how to beat rising hawks

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by SINllllllllllllllllllllllXllll, Aug 27, 2013.

  1. if I'm not mistaken, most of their strategy is in getting a matchup favored towards them. even so, they still have to win the war....
  2. This is a bit disrespectful op. Granted, as you say, your clan beat Rising Hawks twice in EE.

    But revealing your strategy on how your clan beat them ee is not smart.

    1st. Disrespectful because of how you posted it. You not only made it sound like ot was a breeze but seemingly made it out to say RH was a joke. Neither are true. (Granted I do not ee, but they are known for great ee win records)

    2nd. Also a dishonor to your clan to a small (or vast) degree. You revealed your clans basic strategy, even if vaguely. This not only lets RH make a counter plan
    To your strategy
  3. It makes it harder on your war admins to make up a stragity to counter any counter RH may come up with.

    (damn enter button)
    Rusted_Knight_of_Serenity alt.
  4. Rising Hawks doesn't need to create a counter-strategy. This is a terrible strategy that will fail in 99% of circumstances, and the 1% is in the case that the opposing clan has such a big CS advantage that even GH with towers cannot hit many opposing players; which is exactly what happened with OP beat RH. In the case where 1/3 of RH roster can only hit several players, any strategy should be able to win, because RH is fighting 20 v 30 basically. It's an embarassment that even with such an advantage Warlor Warhounds were barely able to win. 50% credit to this being a terrible strategy, 50% to RH being the best war clan our there, with many of the best people at EE in the game. There is no way that match would have happened if there was the DTW/DTS match system, because the hit ratio was outrageously bad. Not only all of that, but RH has improved since then; back then, RH lost once in a while. RH has perfected their strategy, or so it would seem based on their record, and now they appear to be unbeatable.

    I would love to see someone give them a run for their money, but please, do not use this strategy :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
  5. Actually the best 'strategy' to beat them would be to kidnap them and tie them up. Grab their kaw devices and play them to lose xD
  6. @ trademark

    just to clarify, there's a difference betweenan ee clan and a war clan. anybody can trade hits for a few hours. doubt they could do it for a few months...
  7. @ Benefit - you should take a look at some of the players in RH b4 you "doubt" they could osw for a few months... granted RH as a clan hasn't been in any Osw yet that lasted more than a few weeks but the the real interesting thing about RH is that it has drawn a number of KaW vets who have spent months and months at a time in various osw before landing here ... But don't take my word for it ...

    I will also add that, for at least a few of us, the true purpose of acquiring rancor items is so we be even more effective in osw ....
  8. How to beat RH.

    YOU DON'T.