how to be awesome like Balto

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by Balto573, Apr 3, 2013.

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  1. Yay its not :!:

    Tht was a test
  2. Yo blaze
    See that haze
    In the maze
    You know what
    Who cares
    At least I'm not 50%
    Body hairs
  3. Mush balto! Mush!
  4. Onwards to victory (or most likely defeat :( )
  5. I'm Balto ***** 
  6. Balto, you are a true artist.

    *bows before Balto*
  7. Come at me man
    I'm so mighty you look like a can
    All my haters are nothing compared
    To my fans!

    When you attempt to try
    I try not to cry!
    You can't defy
    That what I'm saying
    Is not a lie!
  8. Love these. Newb comes in forums, contributes nothing. And gets awesome support! I praise Balto!
  9. @ mew I'll
    Follow you

    I won't answer that
    I'll buy a hat
    And call you fat

  10. I would hate to be 50% body hair
  11. Same here
  12. I know right
  13. Oh almighty Balto!

    *bows before Balto*

    How many stables shall I build so that I may take the top leaderboard position?
  14. 1 stable.
  15. 1 trillion Balto has spoken
  16. Balto....will you sign my boob?
  17. I'll sign the other one
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