how to be a troll

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by DoWhatYouWantToMyBody_Kristi, Dec 15, 2013.

  1. I will NEVER let it die
  2. ii thought that thii2 wa2 how two be a troll?
  3. How to be a troll = OP's hire price
  5. Ahahaha
    Telling YAFI forget punctuation. Look at the original post again!
    Fayul. If you want to be a troll, don't do as this guy says.
  6. Or you could be like acieenine and constantly have "..." Throughout your posts for no reason. Or you can't type like you're missing half your keyboard.
  7. The best way to troll is to make your "victim" think he/she is winning. That's a troll on top of a troll right there. Also, others (not the victim) may see that you're winning the flame war.

    My secret to trolling is make others believe their smarter than you, and then drop them.
  8. No that's the right there
  9. you better not go their
  10. Nvm I saw it.

    Fail on my part. Lol
  11. Why do you post **** like this? Wasting everyone's time with this spam -.- some people...

    Troll attempt=fail...had nothing good lol
  12. Here's to all you wannabe badboys on this thread who do not underatand what an actual troll does and what he/she is OR what they stand for.

    Please read carefully.

    In Internet slang, a troll is a person who shows discord on the Internet by starting arguments or upsetting people, by posting inflammatory, extraneous, or off-topic messages in an online community (such as a forum, chat room, or blog), either accidentally or with the deliberate intent of provoking readers into an emotional response or of otherwise disrupting normal on-topic discussion.
  13. unicorn you made a thread about an update that is all over forum's...
  14. Best way to troll is correcting people's spelling. Generally it annoys everyone
  15. This is a guide to flame, not troll, and last I checked ecxessive flaming was against the ToU. So keep it up, maybe we will end up with a cleaner forum.