How the Crusade looked.

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by -BoomIsInTheAir-, Jan 4, 2016.

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  1. Yes, but your the only one out of the four crusaders who is actually trying to make a difference...the other 3 are just getting all of their threads locked from baiting and trolling

  2. are you implying it's ok to be a creep as long as its not being seen in public channels? ...
  3. And even after you hit them,I'm sure they went straight back to pm to roleplay,but at least you've tried.
  4. Yes you can,I never said you couldn't,but I'm asking you why does it bother you so much what players do on another app that you don't like ?
  5. Drgn that was posted on another forums from a completely different game 4 years ago. Gosh :roll:
  6. Drgn that was posted on another forums from a completely different game 4 years ago. Gosh :roll:
  7. Have you even seen pimd campus? The problem is that it's paraded openly in public, unchecked and barely moderated. Creeps wouldnt congregate there if the public channels were tightened to improve the game image. As it is, creepers are in the game because the whole public chat is overrun by open creeps.
  8. Locked as specified by support. We are all part of the ATA community no matter what game we play. Please act accordingly. Further threads will be locked and banned.
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