How the Crusade looked.

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by -BoomIsInTheAir-, Jan 4, 2016.

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  1. Depends. Are your hands clean? We know what pimd-ers do over there.
  2. I thought the comic was funny.
    The real problem is the idiots on KaW who think this "crusade" is even slightly: relevant, important or having any impact.

    The crusade was a moronic, copied idea to begin with
  3. Here's a fun fact, not all people from pimd RP! Amazing, right?

    I could say quite a lot about kaw'ers from what I've seen these so called crusaders do. They're just irrelevant bringing their kaw problems to pimd. But ️
  4. The WC names and comments 

    That's the funniest part of this whole thing
  5. Lol funny seeing as most of the clubs we have don't allow rp and you put us all in the same mixing mature

  6. No1currrrrr
  7. Mhm
  8. Looks like PIMD is gettting an early start on their yearly crying about KaW. Please try to limit trash to PIMD forums though. Funny comic.
  9. You enable and facilitate it by association with PIMD, and do nothing to stop it. The PIMD community of players is not doing anything to combat what goes on there. You are the problem, because you will not take action against the disgusting people and the developers allowing it to continue there.

    You have a choice.. Stop supporting ATA through PIMD, or be associated with their filth.
  10. Its an adult game... Has nothing to do with the US....blame ata their rules not ours
  11. Lmao Cyn, I just noticed the WC. The last guy should be crowned king of PIMD.
  12. The problem with you guys is that you take this whole thing way too seriously. Please jump off your high horse, this is an online game.

    It's obvious pimd is full of pretty disgusting people. But what can we even do about stoping them? I could care less what the RP'ers do since they're not bothering me. ATA supports this kind of behavior I guess.
  13. Again, guilty by association. No one will ever take you seriously as long as you are associated with that game and it's community. Here at Kingdoms at War, we do not allow dripping eggplants, asking for chat by genders or sexual orientation, or openly asking for anything to do with sexting in public channels.
  14. This stupid bs happens every year. Learn to ignore it maybe?
  15. There have been countless threads asking ata to silence people for even saying rp. We tried they just don't listen.
  16. [​IMG]
    My awesome comic threads were deleted by devs. Cause apparently we are not allowed to talk about pimd here. That crappy thread needs to be trashed.
  17. As for us not doing anything, i already have one of the rp'iers crying on my wall and on forum. What did u do today?
  18. I dont play PIMD. That's what I did today. Stop supporting it by logging in. Stop supporting it by killing the revenue. Quicken it's death and it will go away.
  19. And when was it you joined to farm rpers? And only now you're hitting ONE! And that's just because she opened her big fat mouth to you.if pimD is crap then I don't understand why you want to rid it off rpers,why it bothers you in the slightest even kaw is the game you love,so stick to it.
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