how should I?

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by msa12348, May 29, 2011.

  1. Oh then buy the biggest or the next biggest spy attack pot
  2. Damn I need at least 2 bil to put a dent in him, 4 bil to annoy him, and 6-7 bil to actually take half of his money to stop his growth for a week or so...

    This would take me like 24/30 hours of being active 
  3. Dang!!!! Are u still silenced?
  4. Would anyone transfer money to me?

    By volleying?

    One of my 20/30 mil allies to as high as I can and keeping?

    Please help...

    I'm desperate...

    I need to break philip35...
  5. Yeah...

    I'm permanently silenced
  6. Who are you trying to annoy now ?
  7. I am to, and sorry I'm to small
  8. Oh yeah I dislike Philip have fun
  9. |||A||| can you volley with me up to around 100 mil and keep?
  10. Sorry I don't have any gold I been buying ally's all day
  11. Or buy one of my 1 bil and my other 4 20/30 mil allies...

    That would cost 1.2 bil in all...

    For your stats, that would be very small right?
  12. 

    I need someone to buy my four 30 mil allies...
  13. You need 500 of each att or spy att pot for a non-strip system war but for a long war like this 100 of the cheapest will go in a day, try buying 1000 of the first ones and if possible 10-50 of the most expensive.
  14. Btw at your stats allies are easy to strip and are not important when farming.
  16. Have fun with Philip he's annoying
  17. Philip35 from the OutlawZ??? If yes  good luck with that, the one that will reset will be you then, if not the go ahead!! 