You wouldn't want to be a moderator in this game. You really wouldn't. Tough job. People at you all the time. No thanks. Give them a break. If op was called out as a fool by a moderator in world chat. Who cares. I'm sure op will live.
Yes, mods should be nice and respectful to all members of the community. There is one thing wrong with that statement though. While mods should do that, it's not a one way street. If you expect to treat mods, or any person with disrespect, then as I see it, you should be treated the same way. Treat others as you want to be treated. Mods should not have to live up to this imposible standard that some people have set for them. They are as human as you. They sleep, eat, have normal everyday lives. And just like you, they have bad days. Sometimes they may accidentally let their emotions come out into the game. Is that such a big deal? I'm sure many players have done that. Players need to get out of this thinking that mods suck up or do any of this other crap or whatever. They literally are just here to help make sure the game runs smoothly, help answer questions, get feedback about things, and the list can go on. They are not here to be your servants, wait on you hand and foot, or anything else. And last I checked, this was a 9 and up game. So, if your gonna get mad over something small, then maybe you might need to find a new app. Or you know, not use the internet. And if you are one of those people who get mad over small things, Welcome to the real world. It happens. Get on with your life. Forget and move on, forgive and forget, or whatever you want to do. But don't act like you've never done anything wrong before.
Haha no we don't but I wish we did. We do get "unlimited" speakers but that's just so we can perform our role so doesn't really count