After some discussion, we decided steady diet of Res lacked variety. Besides, they rarely hit back. Therefore YOU get to be the farm tomorrow. Enjoy.
I don't care, you'll still be the errand boy regardless who farms who You really are another level of stupid
I'll schedule some time later to be concerned about your opinions. By the way, your spy stats suck and you have no sdp. That's why you've been pinned the last 45 mins. Complaints should be directed at Nebel. I don't handle that department.
I personally don't see the point going to war, to try to get a "mutual" cf. big waste of time if you ask me. Maybe if you all get off your high horses, and stop acting all butthurt about your supposed rejected mutual cf , you may be able to salvage the shell . :lol:
UPDATE: 5:20pm est, 1-22-14: Chairpad 5/5/9 stl np Grand total: 399/417 stls on chairpad My losses at 34,025 (sorry, corky, you don't get credit...that extra 1 loss is outgoing)
As I told you, child, I'm not discussing that. You lost. Now, let's discuss your legendary self pinning powers. Over 40 hours with no hits. Amazing. 40 hours of normal human activity like sleeping, working, driving, etc, and not a single hit. I stand humbled and truly in awe. Please, share with us mere mortals your tips on how to do it. I'm sure the readers would love to know.
Chair I wouldn't shake that tree, you may just open a can of worms others close to you might not like. He whooped your ass, get over it. Where's my tea?
56 HOUR UPDATE 5:39pm est, 1-22-14: Chairpad 17/18/9 stl np Grand total: 416/435 stls on chairpad My current losses - 34,025 My losses 56 hours ago - 33904 Total change (including outgoing losses and losses from others) - 121
Complaints or requests should be directed to Nebel. And seeing as how you're now clueless AND clanless, be sure to include your new address to ensure a prompt reply.
poor bubbles, no idea what to say. I've no complaints at all, I just like calling you out when you're a numpty, and you're giving me loads of ammo so keep posting My tea's gonna be freezing, hurry up
UPDATE: 6:53pm est, 1-22-14: Chairpad 15/16/9 stl np Grand total: 431/451 stls on chairpad My current losses - 34,025
Who'd you have to get to help you put those losses on troop chairboy? Because we all know you can barely hit the broad side of a barn lol anyways I'm out of this thread now. Peace out y'all. Don't forget to pass to the left
P.s. that's real classy to be upgrading while ur clannies are gettin stripped. Great War effort there mate.
Dupe, Pooper is a proven liar who hasn't shown the slightest evidence to back up his numbers, so please, spare me the "who did I get to help" routine. If you find the child embarrassing, find better clan mates. Thanks for your concern for my clan mates. In case you haven't noticed, this IS a strip war and we've been in it the whole time. We do regular checks. If we catch a strip, great. If not, it's not going to keep us from fighting. It's part of being a WAR clan. You should know. We beat on you the other day. And you don't see OUR clan owners crying about being stripped during EE wars, do you? We know the risks. Furthermore, your clan is busy trying to upgrade too. Got hypocrisy? As far as war effort goes, We've been pounding on YOUR clan mates daily. So far your return effort has been pathetic. Of course, if Res was actually capable of fighting a war, you wouldn't have to get others to do it for you. Perhaps your concerns and advice would be better placed if you shared it among your own alliance instead of trying to give us advice? We don't need it.
UPDATE: 8:52pm est, 1-22-14: Chairpad 15/18/9 stl np Grand total: 446/469 stls on chairpad My current losses - 34,025