How much plunder you make?

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by ______iKnightzBator___, Apr 8, 2013.

  1. I don't do haunting, but on reckoning I make 2.5 million first hit, 2 million minimum (for last hits etc).
  2. 39 mill first hit and I'm attack build with spyd
    I make roughly 25-30 bill with just unloads on haunts and maybe 35 with skimming
  3. 30b a day w/ level 4 EE.
  4. 4-6bil a day atk build 22mil a hit
  5. I can vary from 10b a day to 30b . Plus if a ally sells I make a bit of profit from that too.
  6. Hansel - 16 mill per hit and I make like 8 bil a day