How much plunder you make?

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by ______iKnightzBator___, Apr 8, 2013.

  1. 17mil a hit. 2-3 b if I hit from the start. 4-6 if items too.
  2. 26mill first hit, 6-15 bill a day depending on activity
  3. 40b a day off b2b haunting. Don't see how anyone can make more than 50 from haunt alone unless their clan is bad at getting pots.
  4. Max xtal?
    ^… 100b then 
  5. Ahh correct, xtals.. I stand corrected.
  6. Hansel
    5.2m cs
    21m ally bonus for each troop attack
    total of 25b a day maximum without crystals on b2b haunts
  7. Hmmm i've just thought of something, does the nobility regain count as an xtal regain? Or is there a separate regain count for it? Wall me i have to go
  8. I could make 70b a day with crystals and level 5 ee
  9. Hansel about 6bill a day per hit with attack 25mill
  10. If I do ebs on my main, ATTACK- 8-10bil a day
  11. 22 mil per hit i make abt 8 -9 bil a day attack
  12. T5 hansel (LL all max SOS and 20 vol) : 26 mil a hit. I can do 24 billion a day.
  13. 2.5b per unload easy, 4.8b for an hour of skimming
  14. I USED to make 35 mil a hit on inactives, until they all got reset from inactivity ._.
  15. 1 haunt without allies 700k per hit 2.3b at end hansle
  16. Haunts about 40mill down to 27mill a hit, if I do one hour runs about 2bill a haunt I can do more then 15bill A day, just depends.
  17. 42MIL first hit but I only make about 10b a day cause I only unload 3-5 times a day
  18. Guild hansel-25mil a hit and about 15-20 bil a day