how much plunder cap do these buildings give?

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by Turbo-hk, Dec 7, 2010.

  1. Word it correctly. Same troops regened per tick. Just need extra ticks to get to complete capacity.

    Thats not really slower. Why is this distinction important?

    As I said, each tick gives you 2 attacks. So your aviary bonus means NOTHING when your always playing. The only benefit then is it's stats which give you a good atk lvl without sacrificing the defense.

    Your slow implies your at a disadvantage which is NOT the case.

    Everyone only gets 2 atk per tick. So ideally your always attking 2 times from max at full health to maximize your gold from troops and plunder.
  2. War aviary regenerates you to 100% troops slower. Also does not have the +5% cap summoning circles do.
  3. haha nice to see you guys are discussing my thread

    anyways the funny thing is i found out that hansel is the most efficient. 975mil to build but give more ally plunder bonus than the T3L3 buildings (aviary, circle, subs) which cost 1.3b.

    so now my stats are pretty messed up. i got 1 aviary, 3 subs, 3 circles and 6 guilds. others are lv3 forges.
  4. Stick wIth mixed then. Since you already have tier 3 leave it be. Gold up and wait for tier 4.

    Convert rest of your tier 2 atk buildings into lvl4 guilds and mass gold
  5. Idea in this game called kingdoms at plunder war and if u dont mind buying crystals. Then full aviaries  get more hits on osf, crystal and up it again with 2 more hits per crystal. Better than the piss ant 5% from circles in my opinion.

    Mixed build is ok too (hope so cause I've got a mongrel build lol). Re the longer regen from avs
  6. Damn fat finger sry.

    Re longer regen from aviaries. If your full troops with mixed build you use your sub troops first so the longer regen from aviary shouldn't come into effect here. Check yourself if on pc. Hover the mouse over ur buildings it shows how many troops that building has.

    That's just my thoughts  don't flame me if im wrong. It tis the season to be jolly 
  7. Les see. I have tried the following 22/2 builds:

    1. 22 L4 Guilds, 1 L3 WarAviary, 1 L3 SummCirc + 5B in allies (maxP)
    = 26 hits + 11 steals + 5% ally bonus
    = 398m full unload on pure OAF and OSF

    2. 22 L4 Guilds, 1 L3 WarAviary, 1 L3 Sub + 5B in allies (maxP)
    = 26 hits + 11 steals
    = 358m full unload on pure OAF and OSF

    3. 22 L4 Guilds, 1 L3 SummCirc, 1 L3 Sub + 5B in allies (maxP)
    = 24 hits + 11 Steals + 5% ally bonus
    = 369m full unload on pure OAF and OSF

    I have also found this to be the best build. The only combinations I did not try are:

    1. 2 L3 Subs + 22 L4 Guilds
    2. 2 L3 WarAviary + 22 L4 Guilds
    3. 2 L3 SummCirc + 22 L4 Guilds

    My current build is:
    1 L1 Titan, 1 L1 CircElem, 1 L3 SoS, 1 L2 SoS, 20 L1 SoS + 10B in allies
    = 26 hits + 16 steals + 5% ally bonus
    = 450m+

    Hope all these help
  8. the problem with going 22/2 is...

    after i'm tearing down my military buildings and building lv4 guilds, i'm getting hit more and more.

    people will mistake you as an osf and you will lose money + lose soldiers.

    sometimes you login planning to do a full unload only to find that you have 50% troops left after being attacked. that sucks.