How much is that doggie in the window? [Round 1]

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Moody, Jun 20, 2015.

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  1. You were technically first, but as you're blindly guessing everything imma not let you have it... Soz :p
    There we go, congratulations :)

    Australian Birds- $54

    Converter from AUD to USD also given :)
  2. arent we all blindly guessing hehe
  3. I'll specify one guess per post in later versions crack :p

    Unfortunate for Kezzer he was just pipped to the post ;)

    Lock please moderator ✌️ until next time forums
  4. I dont even know what to say about this mess
  5. Me either
  6. Don't give a crap. Do something about women instead.
  7. Lmao I seriously, SERIOUSLY hope you didn't mean that how it sounded. I'm pretty sure guessing the prices of women will not go over well with the community
  8. I liked this thread Moody. Great change of the norm. Thank you.
  9. Thai brides
  10. locking as requested by OP
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