How much is that doggie in the window? [Round 1]

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Moody, Jun 20, 2015.

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  1. Bird- $475
  2. 375 for the bird
  3. Re: How much is that doggie in the window?

    a proper puppy is often about double that prize in my country
  4. A clue for the bird - this price is from Australia so there would be no transport costs etc
  5. Bird $250 ?
  6. The cockatiels are about 50$ish at bird farm
  7. Closest so far
  8. confirms 50$ on up
  9. My website says something different, have to use my source as it is the price of these specific birds - otherwise prices will of course vary
  10. 65$ then
  11. Birds $35
  12. All a bit too low now @kez and crack
    And too high atom
  13. 40 for the bird?
  14. 65 for the bird
  15. Less than 65, more than 40.

    To make it easier, I'll round it up to the nearest 5 :)
  16. birdy 45, i could also say 55 and 60 in this post but thats lame :(
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