How much are you making in Bonus Escape or Rowtb for first h

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by Midget-Lover____, Jun 25, 2014.

  1. 4tril? Are you sure...
  2. 96m first hit
  3. 4 trill? That must be a typo.
  4. My thinking as well. No way with his stats, I don't think its even possible to get 1
  5. 380-390 bill i think is about average for a clan.
  6. 171 first hit
  7. 219 way too many towers over here
  8. Hte 105m
    Rotwb 60b
  9. HTE... 1St Hit, EElvl 5, 234miL, I'll Take it.
  10. 160m 1st hit on HTE. Not too terrible.
  11. 200 mil first hit
  12. 260m first hit on hte with lvl5 ee
  13. 308 m first hit with ee 5
  14. 260 odd mil first hit. No EE