How much are you making in Bonus Escape or Rowtb for first h

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by Midget-Lover____, Jun 25, 2014.

  1. 250m fh

    My hansel does 190m ally bonus 

    Bloody towers.
  2. 208m all the way down
  3. 178mill first hit.
  4. I'm killing my own account as I'm apparently red Apheriun 0.0[​IMG]
  5. 642mil first hit
  6. Bull crap wolfie.. And lying is against tos/tou. Watch your step
  7. Lying is and isn't against ToU. I think it's more if it's something that directly affects another player and not a just joke lol.
  8. Just under 315mill. Do I win?
  9. Alison we get that you are red apherium don't need to keep spamming it
  10. 175m 102 I think
  11. Also don't forgot to recognise, that hansels first hit is practically the same as last hit. attack builds lose plunder as their bar goes down though.

    A better way of seeing how much would be how much on a whole unload (no skimming) with no pots included.
  12. It's still funny Alison I die every time I see it keep it up 
  13. I do have to keep doing it its to rub it in to that filthy regular Apheriun.
  14. 262m per hit on HTE.
    18.5b per unload 
  15. really easy to calculate, just do plunder times 1.5 :D
  16. It's not lying it's bending the truth 
  17. I make 9bil payout at the end because of ee and promo.