How many "Support"(s) can you use? =)

Discussion in 'Activities' started by sean893, Jan 25, 2015.

  1. Well at least I'm not a former mod who spammed. *cough *cough
  2. I am supportive of this thread, as it supports the use of words that show how much one supports the use of words that show that you are supportive of, are supporting, will support, do support, and will support a certain cause. As of today, January 24, which is supported by the calendar invented by the Romans with support from Julius Caesar, who supported the founding of the Roman Empire with the support of his army, circa 189 BC, and while we are on the subject, the Julian calendar was supported by Julius Caesar, amongst other Roman emperors who supported a standardized way to keep track of the seasons which supported the Roman Empire's food sources, which supported her poor citizens, her armies, and her workers who supported Rome by building roads, using supports to build massive buildings, all under support from the Roman Empire, which was supported by the dinarii, which also supported the lands which the armies Rome supported conquered, thus supporting the economy of Rome, I do declare support for this thread.

    26 supports.
  3. I'm surprised DirtyLarry hasn't showed up.
  4. GreatKingFrank, I highly support your attempt! I am sure it will make tons of people laugh hard at this!

    Advice: Try to make the
    supports italic, it may become more entertaining for sure! :lol:
  5. Ok. I'll bold them.
  6. I cannot support such a idiot thread of which supports, supports. So due to this i cannot support such a thread. I wish I were more supportful but I will never support a thread like this. I will only support or no support a stupid thread. I hope you can support my no- support.
  7. This is so funny I can't stop laughing. I just laugh so hard that I peed on my pants. Now I need an ambulance cos I'm dying of laughter. The whole neighborhood think I'm crazy and soon started laughing at my laughter. After I show them this thread, they laughed so hard, a whole hospital can't fit them. Soon the whole universe started dying of laughter.
    End of story.
  8. Sean deserves a Nobel Prize for being such an amazing unique entertainer
  9. Maybilia, I support your non- supportive reply and the attempt as well, but sadly the word supportful is not part of the Support word list.

    Thus, you have used the word
    support ten times!! There's one word of support that you forget to highlight in white! :D
  10. I support my first day of coming to Kaw. I also give full support for my kaw friends who helped me, and supported me during the good kawing times, and thus I support it.

    Each day, I give words of moral support to every kawer's wall by saying:

    Have a happy day, Kawers!

    In advance, I would like to thank all of the kawers for supporting or non-supporting this thread, as I am looking at this thread in an unsupporting view, that this thread will not last forever, as much as us with our supportive minds.

    I hope all of you do support yourselves being supportingly happy with a supporting face, because time is precious, you can't waste any moment of it, as you will have people who will supporting-ly inspire you not only with future threads of support, but also with words of support and inspiration that will bring to you.

    Please take good care and
    support yourself, your friends and your family! :D


    16 supports!!
  11. I can support this thread if you will give me 8 trill to support me in a time that I need people to be supportive of me furthermore I do not support this thread unless you first support me in which doing so would allow me to support supporting this thread upon which you want the support of me and the support of others yet still I feel inclined to withhold my support until further support is needed still I feel like your a person I should support I'll write you a check as a showing of my support and afterwards a grateful post of support this of course supports the thread name of "support". read it and weep *****.
  12. -.-" I don't even know what to say...
  13. I am supportive of this thread, as it supports the use of words that show how much one supports the use of words that show that you are supportive of, are supporting, will support, do support, and will support a certain cause. As of today, January 24, which is supported by the calendar invented by the Romans with support from Julius Caesar, who supported the founding of the Roman Empire with the support of his army, circa 189 BC, and while we are on the subject, the Julian calendar was supported by Julius Caesar, amongst other Roman emperors who supported a standardized way to keep track of the seasons which supported the Roman Empire's food sources, which supported her poor citizens, her armies, and her workers who supported Rome by building roads, using supports to build massive buildings, all under support from the Roman Empire, which was supported by the dinarii, which also supported the lands which the armies Rome supported conquered, thus supporting the economy of Rome, I do declare support for this thread.

    26 supports
    27 supports
  14. Times infinity
  15. You know plagiarisms a crime, right?
  16. Under the "START" section, your 2nd paragraph Starts with the word "And", but, you cannot start a sentence with "And", which makes you invalid.

    And an idiot

    see what I did there??
  17. It was 2 sentences.
  18. I don't "support" the fact that this thread is seeking "support" from "supportive" players from the kaw community. If players want to "support" a thread they'll post "support" and if they don't want to "support" the thread then they'll type no "support" and if they type something else other than "support" or no "support" then their just a bunch of idiots roaming around threads not posting "support" or no "support". So I am not "supportive" of your thread asking for "support" and the players who don't type "support" or no "support"
  19. Support no support
  20. i cannot condone this.