Also remember that certain letters and numbers can be counted as 3s such as the #4 which is 3 lines. This is all down to personal opinion tbh because there are 9 dots in a 3x3 square at the bottom. Now do you count that as 3 lots of 3 for 3 columns, 3 rows, or both? What about the diagonals in that? That could mean a total of 8 lots of 3 from within that 3x3 square. There are no restrictions so who's to say what is right and wrong.
Cell signal bar has 3 dots so 1 Wifi fan has 3 bars so 1 Time has 3 Battery has 2 Phone number has 8 Phobe number also has a group of 3's so 1 Ang3lica 3nriqu3z has 3 Keypad #3 has 1 Keypad #4 (GH3) has 1 Keypad #8 which is a 3 has 1 Keypad has 6 group of 3 letters so 6 Keypad has 4 rows of 3 circles so 4 Keypad menu at bottom has 3 rows of dots so 3 Total: 35