Thanks Talknot, it's nice to know that myself being extremely well prepared pre-war am now potless. Not. And my allies? I've caught all your strips and put it into banks and a portion to pots/bars, I think I'm making money? I just stripped your clanmate (albeit fail) 400b which you guys funded yourself with fails. And I get pinned very few times a day and then it's just fail fail burn burn. That bothers me? Do some more work before making those claims
For a guy called Talknot you sure talk alot. How's TFK going? You guys have more alliless members? And their pots, let them know some need them also.
Lol @talknot you are speaking as if you have something to lose... You are a small pure spy with no allies! Now I can't speak FOR your opponent but I'm pretty sure they don't care about you at all. You would be at the bottom of the priority list.
Hi Hi, May I respectfully request that the trash talk be kept to one thread? All 283 pages of that already in Phil's already, enjoyed reading it, keep it coming fellows
Allies don't pick their own allies to be targets there is no front line. meatshields hold no meaning in this game
Is a "meat shield" defined as... A shield made out of meat? Or A shield to protect oneself from incoming meat?
Lol yep were meat shields keep telling yourselves that op any time u want send your main too my news feed ill show u what we do all day every day. As for all involved much respect