How is the Snow near you? The "biggest snow storm to hit New

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by knickm927, Jan 27, 2015.

  1. In Louisiana we had frost at two AM... then it warmed up to 68 degrees...
  2. Massachusetts news of 35inches
  3. Only a cruddy 3 inches.
  4. It's melted here in Illinois...
  5. 0. ️
  6. Was like 70 degrees here today.
  7. Is this some sort of code word for drugs?
  8. Ran into a snowbank in miami fla. 4Kilos
  9. O.O mai God were onto something

    On another note it never snows where i live
  10. Your mother got a good 12"
  11. My poor mom got 30+ inches. Not a good day for moms.
  12. Let's see it was 75 today, I love the winter in California 
  13. Northern wisconsin. Had snow a few days ago, but 0 today.

    Must suck to live in snowy regions.

    Oh wait...
  14. Got 3 feet of snow.. Worked 37 hours.. So fun. 
  15. 10.5" wow. That's long.
  16. I'm sure the other party enjoyed it. Lol
  17. ITT: Boys being boys
  18. Not to give away my position due to current events...... but when I look down I see 7 inches.

    True story.
  19. u have a 1cm dong
  20. I was supposed to have 2 midterms at school on that day. School closed the day before because the whole town was so scared. Turns out we didn't get any more than a couple or so inches 