Hahahha LU last time I checked summer 2012 wars were turtle wars. So the team that could plunder first and keep self pin for rest of the war won. I don't see guild hansels winning against LB stacked clan like LR in summer wars. They were designed to allow strong players like Cella, os-nckz, Teja and others to dominate the field and us HLBC guys being used as a punching bag. Atleast in EE wars small players had a shot by matching by net stats and clan size. BUT DEVS HAD TO DISSAPOINT since most LB guys didn't take part in these wars. Even Hollow who had fair share of good warriors had no chance against clans stacked with against players like cella, Chongo or other guys. And summer wars Equip had huge stats even for quarterfinal and semi rounds. So yes, I have done my math. We KAW EE warriors sacrificed more time, money, sleep, growth and displayed more dedication than EB fairies. And look how we got rewarded. by offering a bare min 10% increase on items we already have and have to spend thousands more to enchant. To add insult to injury looks like these items were spray painted in MS paint in less than 30 secs. Yeah so like someone said before" THIS IS A SLAP TO THE FACE"
There is no question the summer wars ... The "turtle wars" were relatively simple. Basically everyone hit to make themselves dtw, the clan with the most gold earned stayed dtw and won. Very boring.
And although I respect Lu, EE wars were not won primarily on matchups. Good clans found a way to win.
I don't really understand the butthurt about the new equip.... it's the best obtainable equipment to date for each slot being released and yet people still complain... i didn't even do season 1 for the equipment :lol: i did it to teach me what war was and now i'm a developed tracker. If anything the wars were a success in my books and i really look forward to participating in season two devs. Keep up the good work
Orph they scammed me, you and hundreds others by adding words like " Exclusive" and " special" what's so special about these equips?
Reese: u still missing the point for summer war and war mechs. Last Rights won it and rightly so. Way harder than "lucky" EE wins and fully deserve non-lucky better equipment than EE equip. They didnt favor big builds/high bfa at all. Current EE wars however do not favour the big ones, that's why most of top 4 LB stayed out. They simply can't get match ups or mostly lose if get a match as they drag down the team KingRDC: yes many found a way to win. However when no such clan was involved and 2 clans matched up, well, the complaints and feedback about being outnumbered or bfa etc arose. Yes there was strategy too. Agree. But wins (or losses) were not solely attributable on them. It's true we can't have a totally fair match up but we do want to keep the "unfairness" at start to a reasonable range to allow for a good war - at least I do. As a winner I wouldn't like pw non-stop. As a loser I wouldn't like being p.warred with no chance to overcome opposition.
In brief LR wasn't a stacked LB clan. Neither did stacked LB clan win summer war. Your points are totally redundant
I think if you really look at the comments previously in forums Lu you will see top clans had very little complaining about matchups. I still respectfully feel summer wars had much less strategy.
I agree entirely. The amount of time, effort and money put into these wars trumps anything that was done in summer wars. You had to have a strong strategy, be able to actually put it into action, prepare prior to war, and do so consistently. The fact that these pieces aren't superior is ridiculous. I would not have paid the money to get to 50 I did if I would have realized that they would have given out this pathetic excuse of equipment. This is our reward? I will guarantee many will not partake in season two due to the lack of initiative. No wonder they didnt give us any idea before hand what these pieces would look like, no one would have warred. I also think that with the amount of money and time we put into it, we deserve more that a freakin' color change. Really? Honestly with ever reveal I've speculated if they slapped it together minutes before they posted. Just pure disappointment in my opinion.
And to add, instead they reward those who can quest pin quicker with better equipment, I'm truly puzzled. I'm not saying that those clans didn't work hard to get it, and win summer wars. What I'm saying is, there is no comparison between the money and time spent. This equipment should be better than this.
We haven't even seen how much each upgrade adds to the stats. Base stats mean nothing if upgrades are nice stat improvements. My red paladin greaves are still below the greaves they just released, and they are at lvl 5. Devs didn't make you participate. If your not happy, then don't participate any longer. Funny how I look through forums and see nothing but complaints. Yet,most of them still play. If you don't like it, then stop whining about everything and quit.
Summer wars were 24 hours each - they were insane - these 2 hour sprint wars were very very fun, but nothing in comparison as far as time invested. Take any 1 week all 12 - 2 hour EE wars and put it all together was 1 summer war! Strategy and teamwork were increased in the EE wars however as the strategy in summer wars evolved into self pinning and was not much fun the final weeks. They did start off as the most fun warring kaw had seen up to that point. Kaw was forced to change the war mechanic to disable team pinning (sweepers) and questing, as well as the DTW - therefore eliminating the turtle aspect. There were a total of only 4 clans that got 1 item - 2 of those clans got an additional item - and only ONE clan that got championship ring! To say that all these people in EE's should get equipment equal to summer wars is ridiculous. Everyone also seems to be overlooking the fact that warring also was only way to get red Palidin equipment along with the rancor equipment. That's 12 full slots you can equip - I never saw all these whining threads for all the clans and summer warriors who didn't get a single item for all their work. Ultimately you should be warring because you love it, not for what the rewards are or you will always be disappointed. I will be warring in the next summer season or EE season that comes out cause I love the teamwork, the intensity, and the thrill of victory of a hard fought war!
Summer wars were much simpler, while the length was longer there is no question there was very little strategy.