how is fangs worked out HITS,BUILD,STREANTH

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by angel8690, Oct 22, 2013.

  1. 2 KaW_admin posts on 1 thread :shocked:
  2. We have had a break though today how abit more imfo kaw admin.
  3. Respect for kaw_admin 20000
  4. Angel could it be because your friend hit an item phase and/or has more actions :O
  5. Devs really like to come out into forums when they have EB promos :|
  6. My hits was 203 and his 220 he got 81 more fangs than me .
  7. He probably also hit item phase which may increase drops.
  8. And who is your friend so we may compare stats
  9. I believe it's spy builds that get most fangs not just bc hits and escape paid out the most
  10. I'm sorry kaw_admin but I disagree with you ( :lol: ) I know you make the game, but I play it! Hansels get more items (mindscream, spell of amnesia etc) at end of ebs in comparison to attack builds. ~ 3x as much when comparing a Hansel and an attack of similar size.

    I think the fangs payout was based on this algorithm you use to determine what builds get how ever many items which is why Hansels were getting considerably more fangs at start. This may have changed for the fangs since then though.
  11. So it looks like attack builds are being left out of the fang race i hope kaw admin come up with something to help attack builds .
  12. Trick only zero treat!!. Our clan finished an 11:30hrs WW and top plunder gets 131 fangs. Why bother !!!!!!!!!!
  13. You still got fangs. I'd say that's a treat.

    Just trust the Devs, guys.
  14. On a haunting escape I did 20 attacks and 30 assassinations with this account, and my spy account who is roughly half the size. Exact same amount of actions as well as type of action. He received about 1.5x more fangs than me.
  15. A long, long time ago the devs changed how spy stats were measured to take into account the perceived weakness (and, at the time, unfair in-clan rankings) given to spy accounts. Just maybe spy accounts still have this built in mechanical adjustment from long ago. Therefore, pure stats may not tell the entire story.