How do you eat your chips?

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Apherium, Feb 18, 2016.

  2. With ketchup, chewing and swallowing, both kind of "chips”, which btw here are called both the same: Papas fritas.
  3. Papitas = potato chips
    Papas fritas = French fries
  4. I eat them with fish.
  5. I like to dip my chips in soda like how you would with cookies and milk
  6. Are we talking about real chips? Or American chips? (Crisps)
  7. I usually just cash my chips in when I leave the casino. Never actually tasted them, seems too unhygenic to me.
  8. Step 1. Grab a full handful of chips
    Step 2. Tilt head back and open mouth
    Step 3. Transfer chips from hand to mouth without making a mess
    Step 4 repeat

    Obesity is a big problem in the USA, but I think Mexico has taken the lead of fat kids. I like to talk about fat ppl lol ,yes I'm an ass
  9. I eat my chips while watching invictus fail strip me while I'm awake.
  10. Lel
  11. In serious, 5 hours they kept on for

    I ate a lot of chips
  12. Licking first?
    So you like moist chips, or do you let them sit to dry?
    Biting a small piece and letting it melt on your tongue seems fine but licking? Licking? LICKING?! you be eccentric fo sho
  13. Chips,crisps,chips,fries they're all taters..(Potato....,) and both (all) are good with salt & malt vinegar....eaten by the hand full ;-)
  14. With a hand in the bag, and a hand in the pants. Perfect mixture.
  15. Your mom feeds them to me
  16. Waste of space.
  17. I like to stack them and take a huge bite. Nom nom nom nom
  18. Lmao
  19. I take them like suppositories for max absorption into my system
  20. I crush them up real good and snort em all at once