how do you become a mod

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by justin-brown, Nov 6, 2015.

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  1. Face fact, Cor. You quit the game cause you couldn't handle the pressure and now have stats no better than a noob. I made an alt ten days ago that's bigger than you.

    Time to stay retired and let the real players lead this game.
  2. Nope. I do it for the lols
  3. You must win wheel of fortune then walk across the country barefoot balancing an ice cream cone on your nose while riding a unicycle on the roof of a bright pink Ferrari Enzo driven by Elvis Presley.

    Basically it's a fairy tale that is impossible.
  4. I have never quit the game. If you want to engage in a discussion on the philosophy of what it is to quit, we can move into a separate topic for that so as to not derail this one too heavily.

    I quit being a player-moderator for many reasons. One of the reasons was that I don't believe in doing things by half unless you have to. When you account for the amount of activity required to meet my personal standard, and where my life was taking me on a regular basis more frequently than a short break, it was a good decision. The counter-argument, and reason why it took a month from request to removal, was that I could keep the position/badge, and just do what I could since there was no obligation. I viewed it as an obligation, which is why I am merely a player now. I do wish the moderators were more frequently involved on the forums these days beyond posting when they lock a topic, though.

    As for my stats, given that I'm generally okay with just questing for nobility for kicks (because I've been a pure-spy or hansel most of my life), and that between that and stealing from the battle list I can make enough to fund my penchant for operating on the small ally markets, I think they are fine where they are. I may actually kick-start my old clan again (so things may change), but I haven't made the decision yet.
  5. See my thread "NEW MOD TIME BRO"

    It's a how to guide

    I'm the next mod
  6. In order to become a moderator, you must first apply at A Thinking Ape's website here: ... cation-faq

    Most moderators have their own respective niche within the game. Some may prefer world chat, while others mainly do forum, just depends. Those of us which monitor forums give our input when we can though, given this is merely a volunteer role after all. :)
  7. No problem with you coming back, Cor. But don't come back swinging your junk acting like you know me when you don't. If you wanna talk crap, do it with a real build that I can smack around. Any fruit can talk through a statless alt build.
  8. How long do you microwave a potato?
  9. Has Corinthian ever talked crap? Like, ever? Talk down, perhaps. As a know-it-all, a bit. But talking crap isn't in his repertoire.
  10. Depends how big the potato is
  11. Say 10-15 minutes then put it in the oven
  12. You put your left foot in then take your left out, you put your left foot in and shake it all about you do the hokey pokey and turn yourself around. That's what it's all about.
  13. Question was answered, thank you all who helped :)
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