How do I upgrade buildings?

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by Amigo_Tonto, Jan 1, 2012.

  1. Kingdom/ click a building than / upgrade it.
  2. You a wanna-be mod or summin, Cool Kid? We don't like your kind in these here parts... 
  3. Lol? This guy is asking how to upgrade a building and everyone is just trolling on this ( AS ALWAYS )..
  4. Actually, he's a moron. If he had a brain he would've noticed that OP has already upgraded
  5. Ok noob here [​IMG] yep I was nice enough to loose my money for this noob and sold a building. You see upgrade building at the bottom there simple as that
  6. You're the one getting trolled -COOLKID-
  7. Wow and left the game waste of billions of dollars for me and waste of time. Lock this plz
  8. @o__0
    Ok.. As i'm mature, i will just ignore you.
    before saying others they dont have a brains it would be nice if you had one...
    Kthxbye .
  9. You do this.

  10. Woops wrong gif...
  11. You're the one that said we were trolling, when you were the one getting trolled.
  12. And if I don't have a brain, why are you the one that bypasses when a mod is in the same thread?
  13. Go click on ure building and click upgrade
  14. o___O i love you
  15. @o__0
    I'm over laws son...
  16. Coolkid are you cool?