Just because I called you an eb fairy, doesn't mean I will hit you, so don't post on my wall. Post on someone who cares. :lol:
Well, this thread is the epitome of what not to do. Possibly the worst thing you could do to stop him farming you. Not only that, but you come across as a little pathetic and whiny. From a smaller player this would be fine, but you're around 14 mill CS. Don't act like a newbie. Honestly I don't really sympathise with you, because you're doing everything wrong. It's actually pretty entertaining to watch. But regardless, here's what you should do. I understand that you probably haven't experienced this before, but definitely don't make a thread under any circumstances unless it makes the opponent look stupid or is funny, such as a thread by norma_ jean. So, firstly, get this thread locked. After that, do not message him or anyone he knows. Do not go to his clan. Do not post about him or even acknowledge him. Farmers go for reactions like yours, and you're the perfect target. Now if he continues after two weeks or so, I'd recommend going temp inactive. Clearly you don't have a clan willing to fight for you, but I'd recommend if you aren't willing to go inactive for a while, find one who might help you. Other than that, there's not much you can do if you can't fight back. Forums will likely not help you being for the most part, made up of farmers. All in all you didn't handle this all at well.
And black you can't even begin to think about telling someone how to farm or how to deal with it just stop
OP no one gets farmed forever thats a fact. But posting on clydes wall and making a forum post about his "Antics" ismt going to help your cause. As has been suggested you need to lay low and self pin.
This is resolved now right. Dragon seems like a war noob because he is. His game is to battle monsters and meet people. Everyone should be allowed to play there own game. Farming and pvp is part of a game but boring if it's one sided. Good luck to you dragon my friend.