How do I get rid of a farmer?

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by IxXxl___xREDx_xPANDAx___IxXxl, Nov 12, 2012.

  1. kill them !!
  2. Pull a courage an let them farm u until they get board
  3. Well I did not play on the game until I had no money
    They stopped so I carried on
  4. Harvest Early.
  5. Ok really this ticks me off this is MY name had it in some form for 16months so u sir shud change ur name. I'm not Guna b the guy who farms for it but really be original tyvm so spend 1.98$ n change ur name
  6. Slaughter everyone :|
  7. Farmers don't get bored, they feed off your insanity of being farmed. The question is not, how do I get rid of a farmer, but is more precisely collaborated as: how do I become friends with a farmer?

    It's simple, but not easy, respect is earned on the battle field.

    Happy kawing my friend, happy kawing!

    Get drunk and farm back, or stay sober and farm, whichever you prefer. Either way, you need to hoe down the farmer in order to deter the farmer.
  8. "Hoe down that farmer".

    My favorite line of the day.
  9. Farm back.
  10. how to get rid of you?
  11. Release his cows,chickens,pigs and horses into the wild then burn his crops then burn the barn then BURN HIM
  12. U know this will drive the price of food up and will become heavily depended on food imported in. I say keep farmers, let it thrive throughout the kingdom.
  13. I know change your name so they can't find you, unless you already made a thread and posted on their wall.
  14. Change your build to a spy defense build. Pure workshops lvl 3.
  15. Don't be a damn pansie. Farm back. Get your friends to farm back. Whatever you do, don't bend over and take it. Fight back. RotPit out 