How did this happen in the EE wars?

Discussion in 'Wars' started by The_Philosopher, May 3, 2013.

  1. If you do not have a brain that can think, I hope you can read. So, read OP and read the discussion that followed. If even that's difficult for you, then sorry but you are too ignorant and blind to differentiate white as white & black as black.
  2. I think the point of op's thread was that it was so loop sided one way then the other... With pretty much the same rosters both times hours apart ...
    Two clans can match each other and each win one no issues there
    But in EE with the same basic rosters u don't get blow outs like that traded ...
    They are usually close then the other clan makes adjustments to roster and tactics and wins .. Sometimes by alot ... But never total domination
  3. You make a valid point Philosopher. This is interesting, good way to exploit mith as well, if we assume the fixing is true
  4. Not saying it was a fix lol ...
    But if ur going to fix EE better make it closer next time lol
  5. Phil, we all know you love Zaft and I assume you're main is there, but sometimes your favorite team loses. it happens in every type of contest. why not here.
  6. @Devil i suggest you do read my 1st post and my 3rd comment. Then when you have done that go and check some clans war history's. Then i assume that you will be posting on here that loads of clans cheat.
    The kinda reversal of fortunes highlighted in this thread happen all the time.
    But if you choose to be brainless and believe everything you read on the internet then so be it.
  7. @Munger

    A guild hansel doesn't exploit the system.

    Match fixing, if that's what this is, is against the rules.

    Idk why people ask "It doesn't effect you, why do you care?!". Well, I care because it defeats the purpose of warring and the system war. Instead of someone fighting tooth, waking up at 4 AM for a war, I can wake up at w/e time, hit the target and know I'm getting free mith.

    Cheating is cheating, and there are no such things as coincidences. Also, if Phil is a ZAFT nut hugger, why would he attack his own dog in a fight. He's not accusing Silver only, he's accusing both of it.

    But I digress, I think Phil is on the right path but I'd give it a little before I call it cheating. Smells fishy, looks fishy, but I'm no fisherman, so I'll have to wait...
  8. Again look at the war history of any clan then look at their results i could find several clans who had similar results with rematchs.

    Have they all came to some gentlemans agreement as implied by this thread?

    Or as i have said previously is this thread just attention seeking by the op? As they seem to be concerned about everything that happens and feel the need to make a thread regardless of any proof or info about the subject they are discussing!
  9. Why players from ZAFT would go from ZAFT to Silver is something you haven't answered... I don't really buy the "we felt bad for them", but that's just me.
  10. @Munger

    It's not just result we are looking at. If you had read the whole thread, you will see that Silver casted unholy while Zaft didn't. You only cast unholy in this circumstance if you are pretty certain you are going to win.

    Also , I know because I got two sources who fought in the war telling me a fix was on. Can't get anyone definite than that.
  11. I like this thread. Phil should post opinions more often!
  12. What I mean by that is it's a nice change from threads where he conducts interviews and just regurgitates what others tell him.

    More interesting hearing your voice for once 
  13. I'm not sure why you find this odd. Every clan can have an off day. They're are both strong respectable war clans. Take a beating one day. Learn your opponents strengths, and weaknesses. Figure out who the hitters are. Who you should sit on early. It's common sense. They lost one day, learned what their mistakes were. Came back with a new strategy. Then won. That's kinda what you're supposed to do in war lol
  14. Check out iFarmers war history...
    If you are going to fix match-ups and trade victories for rancor, maybe having the same clan tags on both sides of war is a giveaway.
    But of course, King_ME never did anything to try and abuse the war system, and he will fight the devs for his right to scam free mith or rancor any way he can think of, because it is all completely legit :roll:
  15. Why waste time in forums if you have two people telling you it was fixed? Those complaints/accusations are supposed to be emailed to the Devs with the proof thereof. If you're trying to actually prevent people from exploiting this then that's how you do it. I'm all for people having to do this fairly, but forums isn't the way to go if you have "proof". This makes me wonder if you're just full of **** and looking for a friendly debate and not actually interested in fixing the problem like you implied you were.
  16. Public exposure often stops culprits to keep doing mischief activities. :idea:
  17. @mercCloud

    "Complaints should be emailed". Ummm... They were, moron. By several different clans. Only an idiot would think otherwise.

    Why is it such a bad thing to talk about it in the forums? Are the media not allowed to report about crimes and situations in everyday life? Get off your soapbox.