HoL vs LWF Osw Thread (May 2013)

Discussion in 'Wars' started by The_Philosopher, May 24, 2013.

  1. He had no SDP because we have been burning them for about 1.5 months now. 
    I do hope he buys lots of noobs to build again so this fake-gold strip ends up taking his real cash too. And then they can be taken too.
  2. Well done YAFI.
  3. Lol -the-wolves- burnt none of my sdp cause I don't keep them, I buy 50 per EE and thats it lol

    If you weren't such wussies you'd be Hansel and could actually burn def pots like yafi is. 

    As for what apple said he's pretty spot on. But when you attempt a strip and only take 1.8t at the start it doesnt do too much damage per steal. Especially when the player is just rehiring allies all in the 148b ranges. How many allies did you guys buy? I started yesterday with 31. Something tells me you hired a lot more than that.

    Well wedding starts soon, I'll probably be tied up for the rest of the evening. Let's see those big funds ya got yafi. My main awaits
  4. iProphet avoids again (with yet another forum post!) :lol:

    1) Unable to say which were the first 3 allies bought. He claims he was active when the first ally was bought :lol:

    2) Unable to show SS of 200k bronze bars. What's the point of showing the SSes of the final 18 allies that were stripped 40 mins after the first one was done?

    When YAFI conducts a strip, there are certain steps we take to determine if the target is active.
    Furthermore, when a strip is in progress, we monitor all aspects of a player.

    How to know if you are lying? Simple. Since you didn't have many allies like you said, the quick strip left you having left <20 allies on the profile page happened fast in a matter of minutes. In fact, if you had 31 allies like you said, how long did you think it would take for 13 allies to be purchased, so that you are left with 18? :lol:

    Simply put, you would have to catch the very first strip, and then you would have to hire lots of allies in that matter of minutes. That means you are active at all times, without even being able to take a 10 minutes break. ;)

    With < 20 allies on the profile page, and being able to see a maximum of 20 at the public profile page, you would not have the chance to buy allies or cycle allies without being detected doing so. :p

    These are all merely applications of simple KaW mechanics. It constitutes some 10% (probably less) of the things we do when we conduct strips.
  5. To those still waiting for Prophet's reply to Appleseeds post .... I guess it's not coming 
  6. .... And the wait goes on ...

    Heaven forbid, but did Prophet lose his tongue? 