HoL vs LWF Osw Thread (May 2013)

Discussion in 'Wars' started by The_Philosopher, May 24, 2013.

  1. Iprophet is the main who has just been stripped naked 
  2. Awww Prophet, I feel for you, I really do....

    Does it hurt less when you talk about it Prophet? Group therapy may help...

    But then again you may want to try some lube and grease that rear end of yours .... Wuahahaha Wuahahaha Wuahahaha ....

  3. They really should rename this thread. It is realistically still an osw thread. Just now that LWF and hol is over, make it the proph against hog and Yafi. Or whoever is farming whoever. I'm confused now. But rename, so the thread stays on topic. Saves a new thread being made.
  4. YooHoo Prophet... Where are you? Don't you want to come out and play anymore?
  5. Lol locksey! Iprophet busy shopping a new skirt
  6. Ah the "fail stripped" and "my main is way bigger " acts. Yeah we have all heard that one before. :lol:
  7. Prophet u done crying yet? Yafi already slapped you around.weres the big bad iprophet that can make alliances cry and tear apart
  8. You guys keep asking where prophet is lmao. Didn't he give you his schedule? I believe he is at a wedding today
  9. So now every clan i join basically is afraid t let me in because i started a osw
  10. Wiley he said that he going to sleep
  11. Wow people like to twist things in their favor.

    You all DO realize the strip was a complete fail, right? He was online from the first ally buy, and kept cycling so you'd buy more, then banked so you'd burn crystals. Everyome here SO into this ridiculous riot mentality, they miss that part?
  12. Ur right jayde prophet does like to twist things in his favor
  13. Does anyone ever admit a successful strip?
  14. HoG, your bitterness is palpable. He hit a nerve?

    Fail strip is a fail strip. At least the respectable clqns admit it when it happens. "Darn, ok. We failed this time. Glad it's just a game and we aren't taking it to any extreme (pun intended) to make ourselves look even more foolish."

    Forums make up maybe 8% of the community, you realize. Just because this particular one is full of chest beating from 2 clans (HoG loves to be involved) doesn't mean that is how the rest of community sees it.

    This thread should have been locked pages ago. It is no longer on topic.
  15. Succesful strip = person not online. Allies taken. Gold stolen.

    Fail strip = person online and catches it. Manipulates it how they choose (many ways to work being stripped if youre online).
  16. Amazing.... Jayde spins more BS than even Prophet...

    Hmmmm I wonder what kind of relationship these two have 
  17. Online from the first ally buy? Which planet do you live in Jayde... Even Prophet admitted he lost Trillions...

    I guess reading isn't one of your strengths.... 
  18. [​IMG]






    How's the saying go? A picture is worth a thousand words? I believe I just wrote my first novel. 

    Tell me more about how you didn't fail your ass off at this strip. Reality check time yafi. This ain't my first rodeo. I've had half this game in my ass at the same time, I promise ya, I ain't an easy strip.

    PS: I didn't have SS of all my allies just in case I decide to return the strip or follow them to feeder banks. 
  19. Yes, locksley. From the FIRST buy. He was in Pal giving his clan a play by play as you all crystalled on the 8bil scraps he left out for you. Note the steals going up? As you can now see. He played you, as he already explained. Apparently I'm not the one who can't read properly.

    But of course you will all find a way to claim victory here as well. You would be wrong.