(whoever gets this reference ears some wall art courtesy of me) Warrrriors come out to playyyy WARrrrios come out to PLAYYY WARRRRRIORS COME OUT TO PLAYYY
Yes, when three warriors, all hansels or hybrids with VP equip, decide to smack me I self pin. What would you do in my situation?
Sigh you know im full of references hell, my name contains 3 of 'em. I see you like The Warriors as well.
So you would have me pop 3 xtals and attempt to fight when I am outmatched? That would be like trying to destroy a tank with a bb gun.
Atleast I would take some pride in my skills Lang.Before I was in OG,APOC or any big clan I used to Pisa everyone off.I've had experience fighting overwhelming odds.
Listen to this langlas kid... Its an osw. Its not "pair off clans fairly and fight evenly matched opponents" by your incancessant pity party pleas , id say we are doing fine. You are a whiney chump who is making wdgaf look even more pathetic. You claim their feats and deny their losses, yet you by your own admittance do nothing to help in the osw. You hit inactives, and cry when targetted. P a t h e t i c
Crap attitudes like that are why osw's drag on forever. Get out there and fight or **** up and sit out
Aww u jus failed steal on me. And here I was thinking we had a good relationship Lang. Well I'll as u too my list to of pissed of WDGAF'ers!!!! Happy warring!