HoG and OG - OSW - The Real Truth

Discussion in 'Wars' started by PoppaBear, Sep 5, 2013.

  1. Pup its very rare i only throw 3-5 inc i almost always throw full bars at people.
  2. Lol langlas. Maybe they should let the subs do growin and Real clans war. Dont force me to make you apologize on the wall for a cf again.
  3. Nah pup were fine smackin you guys pot count you dont have to worry bout us.
  4. Lol gunner. You all nip at our ankles, in reality one 3x gold haunt would make up more than any of you caused in pots and then some. Keep on keepin on though. We'll keep on smackin alpha and sendin out them strip notices.
  5. Puppy, you've done enough... lets go back to smacking. :3
  6. Awh getting called back... Run along then
  7. I'm on Regen DMG  this is what I do in Regen times.
  8. Me too :( abrand1 is the only one who can keep up a decent fight. :eek:
  9. @pup, you whacked me when I had 22 bil out, I requested a CF because I was busy prepping for war/getting mage unlocked. I didn't need a 1 vs 1 at the time. Now, IDGAF. Come at me. Fail all your attacks and, amazingly, win all your steals. Maybe if you had a compatible build we'd have some fun, meanwhile keep smacking AE, I am sure they enjoy the sparse inc.
  10. Langlass you never returned the inc that I gave you... please refer to Puns' wall. :)
  11. Langlas, you can use whatever excuse you want. It doesn't make any difference. Crying about incompatible builds is hilarious as well. If devs wanted a simplistic, higher stats = winner then they would have constructed 1 build. They didn't though, they created a series of versatile builds in which the player can choose which build suits his play style the best. Hansel/heavy spy builds happen to fit me, so you may cry elsewhere.
  12. I have a Hansel, I am only 8 months old, you're 2 years. You've had plenty of time to prepare/grow.
    A year from now I'll be HLBC.
  13. @DMG return inc is a myth, we have our targets, they have theirs. We all attack peeps smaller than us. How would you feel if Wulf suddenly decided to make you his personal farm. Would you hit back?
  14. Devilmaygrowl...
    Growlth? (Sorrybif I miss-spelled that)
    Is that you?
  15. Actually, 3 years in feb. Most eb noobs do get HLBC as quick as you are wanting though. Call me when you learn to war as an HLBC. Build doesn't matter if you don't know what you are doing in PvP
  16. Lang.. I attack people bigger than me..
    I return fire...
    Am I a myth!?

    "The myth of the Rusted Knight of Serenity: an epic tail of love, honor, and tetanus!" Narrated by Morgan Freeman.

    Yeah, I can live with that.
  17. I hit back who I can :) and yes, if you read my wall you'd see I was Growlithe...
  18. I can't possibly hit you, Pup. Not without pots.
    I don't smack hansels, I think it's unfair.
  19. Return fire? And give them the satisfaction of inc fails? Hell no.