HoG and OG - OSW - The Real Truth

Discussion in 'Wars' started by PoppaBear, Sep 5, 2013.

  1. I wonder if you all spend so much time bickering in forums cuz your pinned? Or do you just come straight here when you log on? I'm still not sure if I'm in an OSW. For every 100 hits I send to regs I get 5 scouts back from hog to make sure I'm not stripped. Wait wait cubfanbudwhatever occasionally finds time to hit me. Must be all that eb flooded news is hard to comb threw. Yawwwwwwwn. Let this thread die already and find your attack buttons.
  2. Yeah jb. BBB has standards. That's why she picked one of the most whoreish names she could have discovered. She might as well of picked Legs_open_24/7 or NoChangePlease. Maybe even SausageWallet. Seriously though, she takes the term meat shield to literally 
  3. Well this sure escalated quickly.

    Tim you're one sexy beast! I'm not sure about this, but it's possible your sexy pigginess is just too sexy..
  4. Pup keep flapping ur gums u idiot
  5. Nice name change. Doesn't make you any less of whore
  6. "She gotta big booty, so I call her big booty!"
    "All I want for my birthday is a big booty oh!"

  7. I have to take this moment to break away from the polite banter about various kaw players to acknowledge that I agree wholeheartedly with Tim on his point quoted above.

  8. Tim is awesome nuff said.
  9. I have a true story for all of you. So yesterday, I woke from 1 hour of sleep. Tired and grouchy I drove to work. On the way I got a speeding and no seat belt ticket. Got to work to find out I have been fired because my bosses wife is attracted to me and he couldn't handle it. Mad and tired I went speeding out of the parking lot and hit a police officers car. He took down town and booked me for reckless driving. Worst yet my insurance had just expired. I had to use the last of my savings to bail myself out of jail. Walked home because I was broke and couldn't afford a cab. 3 hours later I finally made it home to see my gas was turned off and I had no hot water. So I took a quick freezing cold shower and decided to just lay in my bed and relax and play some kaw. I fell asleep playing. A crazy day, but at the end of the day I am not part of zaft or wdgaf so I must say, it's still a good day.
  10. I have a true story for you. So this morning I woke from another 8hr sleep fresh, alert and ready to face hump day :D. Did my usual morning thing, took care of the three S's, made a coffee, started getting ready for work when I thought I'd check on what was going on in this OSW we are all mixed up in. So I got KaW open and BOOM! Cash out, newsfeed full of LR, Regs, DoA (or DR, can’t remember) and JimLSA attacking :eek:

    To be honest, I'm not sure how much you bought. I think somewhere around 150-160b? Apart from 26b and a couple more bil in pots you got the rest. It would have been more if it hadn't been for Jim pinning me. Good job, I look forward to seeing more of you naked in the near future. :)
  11. I have another true story for all of you too, this morning when I woke up, I saw poppabotter and mommabotter banned on the newspaper, I read further down and saw Os members asking their own members to post apology thread. And then Res One not two not three popped up in the gossip sessions saying he magically made his LB account disapper from war because he is afraid of getting stripped.
    I read further and saw resilient members becoming vegetarians because meat is a taboo word for them.
    What a day! 
  12. The weirdest story goes as follows: some half witted noob likely posting with an alt has shown up to forums. He isn't even in the war, yet he feels as if the inaccurate postings of those engaged in war banter is enough for him to run his **** sucker.
  13. Yay an osf for after war :D

    I find his posts hilarious tbh. Look how hard he is trying to irk us lol. I find the attempt so funny :lol:
  14. Wow! Puppy devil good doggy, why would you name yourself as a dog,  want a bone? You are like 1m more spy stats then me and that makes you a main? You dog bro? o_O, well whether my postings are inaccurate people knows 
  15. Btw. If you are going to try and hide behind an alt yet say you aren't.

    Don't get volleyed to a tril by huay ;)

    Obvious zaftie alt is obvious.
  16. If im ZAFT, why do I need to hide behind an alt when ZAFT is already in war?  btw OliBear your stats are kinda small too, are you an alt of poppabotter?!
  17. You just got owned by oli, no need to speak anymore now. Accept your defeat;)
  18. @ Man

    Do I really need to answer that? Lol its very rare that a zaftie uses their main to talk trash. That's common knowledge as zaftie leadership doesn't ..
    approve :lol:

    Lol I could care less about my stats. In my 3 years playing I just don't find repeating.EB's and pwars appealing. Nor do I hide behind an alt. Lol its a game. What do I have to lose?

    Do you think saying poppabotter in every of your posts makes you look "kewl"? lol I think its funny how hard you are trying to insult us or annoy us. in my opinion just makes you look even more pathetic. but keep on goin lmao. :lol:

    why don't you share your main little zaftie :roll: