HoG and OG - OSW - The Real Truth

Discussion in 'Wars' started by PoppaBear, Sep 5, 2013.

  1. Belle. Stop being a forum warrior and acting like a 12year old throwing around insults while their back is in a corner. Put your toys back in your pram.

    Willy. You're an old OG alliance member from Foxes, grow a pair and show some respect instead of falling into line with your fellow forum warriors, or here's and idea, participate in the OSW... I'm sure Foxes would love to see your name in a news feed.

    Strips will happens. It's an OSW get over it and play the game.
  2. me? No, some of my best friends are homosexual. Im talking about callin ppl pigs n such. I have no problem with ppl playin tummy sticks or having roast beef sammiches.. speaking of which....
  3. Belle is a weirdo anyways I've heard so much **** about her  oh the joys of knowing way to much. That's my two cents. That's all I really have to say. They have meds for crazy tho. Just ask your dr belle. He can easily write a script.
  4. Bbb, At least belle plays PvP and doesn't just make empty threats. Who cares how she lives her personal life. You making stabs at someone when your name makes you sound like a trashy 16 year old whore with an attention deprivation. 

    No belle, actually this time I'm pretty in-the-loop. I know of several large strips done, maybe not 100% clean. I'm sure in just lying and we don't strip anyone ever. 
  5. Pup..... Pipe down right meow
  6. Rather ironically it would seem that it is in fact you who is the bigot. You consistently demonstrate a complete intolerance for any opinion other than your own and, unfortunately for the people involved, you tend to manifest this in incredibly aggressive and unattractive forum posts.

    Can't we all just do the strippy strippy thing and have a bit of fun while we are at it? ;)
  7. @bobblez- having an opinion about awar on a tap tap game versus making homophobic comments towards someone's sexual preference is far different.

    @bigbootygirl- I heard some pretty gross things about you.... The kind you'll need to drink yourself into oblivion to forget or pray your children never learn how to google.
  8. Lmao you can't always trust what hillbilly's tell u. Specially ones with mental disorders. Oh and plz google me n post ss on pal I'd love to see this  keep my kids out of your mouth. They are kids. Besides I've seen worse parents *coughs your friend being one coughs*  have a nice day!
  9. Thank you for making my point.
  10. She's a ******* whack job lol very very angry lol so not healthy. She must be lonely lol ignore her. You can't fix a **** they will always be a ****. 
  11. Awww. U mad at me? I'm sorry that you're a dirty whore and I'm not.
  12. this is funnySo many angry.. Or butthurt??
  13. Lmao check yourself before you call ppl names.  Jealous u can't get none???
  14. Crazy skitzo women aren't attractive to men so I can understand your problem.....
  15. I smell a cat fight......

    * runs to fill the pool with mud

  16. Eww god no I'm not getting in that pool with her are you crazy????? I have standards.... Wait my last romance would prove otherwise  ok I usually have standards lol
  17. Awww baby. If you think im a pig then im just your type. Come on kissy kissy
  18. Spoil sport 
  19. Come on belle , u can do better then this , calling ppl pig n scolding ppl kids bcos of game  u never change , always a low life human feel sorry for ur parent if i were u i quit kaw n get a RL going 
  20. I am a pig, and the sexiest and most awesome pig ever. You all wish you could be as pig like as me.