HoG and OG - OSW - The Real Truth

Discussion in 'Wars' started by PoppaBear, Sep 5, 2013.

  1. Willy you suck im gonna farm you until you change your name to LWPistheREALdeuce 

  2. But, LWP....

    Who's gonna drink all your booze when you are busy farming me??

    It ain't gonna drink itself, boo boo.
  3. Im under age willy!!!!! don't be a bad influence on someone under age. You should be ashamed!!!!
  4. Whoa we are a merger clan!?! That's news to me. Thanks rain for your genius failed insight!

    Love, your daddy.
  5. We're at war? I thought we were just farming inactives 
  6. Didn't regs merger with 7DS? Lol. That's why regs are LB.
  7. well that's interesting, yet another huge OSW going down, hopefully ill get the chance to take a few shots in the future maybe :lol:

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  8. @the keeper of the gate- individual players, dumbass.
    I was suggesting you look at the ranks/unranked-ness of og alliance LB players.

    Ie- hand of god accused us of only stripping small amounts that go unnoticed.

    I told him that y'all are obviously not being told about the huge strips we have done on your lb, some have lowered a ton. Some are gone completely.

    This has nothing to do with clan rank. And I really really should not have to explain something so simple.

    And people wonder why my posts are long.....

    Because of idiots like you who can't comprehend simple statements.
  9. Or it could be cos you're intolerant

    Or it could be cos you love the attention your big posts attract

    Or it could be ...... Meh who knows! Lol

    Hi Belle btw 
  10. Examples please, I didn't saw anybody leaving the lb
  11. Hey jb! As a practicing lesbian, I have to be extremely tolerant. So it must just be that dude is stoopid :)
  12. Argoli,

    Rather than try to goad us into bragging, why don't you ask your leadership first.

    I'm interested to know what you'll be told. PM me and I'll let you know our estimates.
  13. I love when people act like big strips aren't happening from both sides  have you stripped a few of our big guys? Most likely with ZAFT funds and numbers yes. Have you stripped anyone off lb? Unlikely unless it was a #50 spot down to #52. Have we stripped your big ones? Yes. Any completely off lb? Unlikely. Will there be a few from both sides by the end that get knocked off? Of course there will. Tho is osw and **** like that happens. People don't gotta save face over strips. Be realistic and stop acting like its a 1 way war.

  14. Hi belle babe.

    When am I gonna get that kiss you promised me?
  15. @pup- then you guys really aren't being told the truth, again. Aren't you tired of being kept in the dark and lied to about how your alliance is coping and what is actually going on?

    @oli- I don't believe I ever promised that and I think you are a pig.
  16. belle go slap yourself, thats real classy forum talk. Keep that to pm. Disgusting.
  17. Are you bigoted against homosexuals?