HoG and OG - OSW - The Real Truth

Discussion in 'Wars' started by PoppaBear, Sep 5, 2013.

  1. Sometimes the obvious is simply too obvious.
  2. When I'm right I'm right, when I'm wrong I could have been right, so I'm still right cause I coulda have been wrong, you know, and I could be wrong right now, I could be wrong, but if I'm right...
  3. iReg, don't drink and KaW.

    I rely on your wall post. No, really I do, and we can't have you silenced again! Everytime I'm feeling bad about myself I look to your words for laughter and know that somewhere out there. Somewhere on this dark cold rock that we call earth. Is a person like you.


    Behind towers
    Who spits fire
    But never dilvers the blows.
    That takes stands
    Behind his man
    And hides from the show
    Words weaponized
    Views dramatized
    Behind a wall of clouded lies
    As you 'Regulate'
    oG Dominates
    Takeing over your earth, sea, and skies

    So that this is clear, even if this osw last a year, oG fights without fear. You can fight this war with the sharpest tongue, or hit your ebs which ever you find fun. Keep your turtle build and live in your little shell, living in a kingdom with no way in or out has to be a living hell.

    To the rest: let's all have a fun OSW!

    Support to my brothers and sisters in oG!!!

    F4L FTF!!!

    Rusted_Knight_of_Serenity coming to a news feed near you!
  4. rusted knight sounds like busted knight.

    i nominate you for most inane post of the year.
  5. If his hits are as sharp as his tongue- og u better put the velvet armour on
  6. Torpedo sounds like a dud going off in the water,and like a dud when he can't stand at attention to his wife.I nominate Torpedo for best stateless alt of the year.
  7. surely there are better statless players out there. But I accept your nomination.

    What is the last thing oG has done that is worth mention?

    iReg is a well known bombastic nitwit. how many years has your eb till we win strategy failed?
  8. I don't think they are kicker lol
  9. .....I'd be mad at you except you just made IReg look like a fool......
  10. Tor, proper grammar please.

    What iReg is or isn't is really none of my concern. He is my enemy in osw and I am having fun. That's why I love osw, that's why I play the game. Osw, pvp, a little war banter here and there. All in good fun.

    I just choose to be creative with my war banter in lieu of just going around naming calling and fussing. It's a game and I treat it as such.
  11. ireg is a fool. always has been. always will be.

    so are you busted knight. dont be so blind.

    never in the history of ireg, regulators, etc history has their plan to eb and generate funds for strips ever worked on anything other then noob clans that they bullied or waning original clans.

    hats off to your stubborn resolve.
  12. I am in oG going against Reg and WDGAG. That was a pun making fun of ireg. lol

    Anyways, I'm done talking to someone who is to much of a coward to show their main.

    I got strips to do, targets to hit, and gold to make. ;) have fun KaWing or crying, which ever you do.
  13. Torpedo we know you are a zaft member who you trying to fool lol
  14. Regs try use YAFI's tactic always have. But.. They just can't. You wanna do YAFI's tactic you need to make then HURT. I'm talking LB knocking strips. And more co-ordination on strips rather than "stripping in the dark"
  15. Haven't played in a while so what clans are in the OG alliance?
  16. Check the "oG Alliance" clan page
  17. Thanks That alliance looks like it will be hard to take down, lot of strong clans in there. Good luck all.