HoG and OG - OSW - The Real Truth

Discussion in 'Wars' started by PoppaBear, Sep 5, 2013.

  1. ↑ You are a really good news reporter! I really enjoy the parts you take out to validate your story and throw off the actull truth. Horray for you!!!!

    Either way, guess what?


    OSW is here, it will be an osw for a while, and here in a week or two no one will care why it started execpt for a few butt hurt individuals!

    Why are you still preaching that same broken message from bellemorte?

    OSW is the funnest aspect of the game, be happy that we are in one!

    Or are you one of the ones who'd rather just hit the epic battles?

  2. -.- statless clanless alt of someone to scared or not allowed on farms. I really should have checked your stats and clan, or lack there of, before I wasted by time with that post.

    Carry on everyone, nothing to see there.
  3. Forums not farms***
    Eh maybe both.
  4. Im honestly wondering if she thinks that posting all that repeated rubbish is going to help save wdgaf lol.

    Post all you want girly. Nothing is gonna save you know :) (giggles)
  5. All posted 8/21

    I have no idea why people would think iReg asked to get things escalated. It is obvious he was not asking for things to escalate... :shock:
  6. Who agrees that WDGAF is gonna get wreckulated by the monster that is OG??
  7. Are you sure we didn't get you ireg AKATHE WALL I bet you you spend over 2 trill changing building
  8. Lmao belle u r craps player since day one in kaw always talk big n keep hop hop hop clan to clan n cry damn i really must give u a kiss ass player a free crystal as reward
  9. Why is it the statless alts posting in here wish devs only let people with Lowland complete to have access to forums

    Support to HOG and OG and The Outlawz
  10. Another butt hurt n super noobs player i statless  u sure or u dont even know how to see stats dude  i small size , not statless dude  u r big size kaw noob player  everyone banner put osw lol , do u all really know what osw all abt ...? my advise pls refer to yafi / judgment n learn from them 
  11. Lol statless alt talking ****. What else is new. How about gettin on a main then. Teach us how to war yourself rather than volunteering a third party?
  12. Yup 11 I'm waiting
  13. If your not going to post with your main, don't post!!!!!
  14. lol hahahah all butt hurt small little kids appear n talk big again  i really enjoying this lol hahaha outlawz lol small little clan talk big in kaw enjoy ur kaw dude  i soooooo scare now 
  15. WAIT!! WHAT? There is a war 
  16. I so scare aswell
  17. One thing nobody from wdgaf had an answer to is why did I get farmed? Don't get me wrong I can care less and I kept it 1 v 1 with ireg until the war started, but you claim Cody was not OG so it don't count. Maybe. Oli had a 1 v 1 already( no sure y that means out him in ca). Maybe. But I did what post on clanmates wall? So ireg broke the CF because of that? Like I said I can careless I love to fight and I think regs seeing their newsfeed know that. But don't try to act innocent but regs are not. They wanted the war and they got the war. No shame in admitting it. Now maybe they will get of their Ebs and return some fire.
  18. Watch( giggle ) girl ur boring us like the regs now run along sweetheart and go get your excitement elsewhere 
  19. I was wondering how long it would take someone to ask that Tim. For all the argument over Cody it seems that everyone forgot the other reasons. Lilet the blatant breaking of CF. Either way let's war on. :)