Figured I'd put some truth on this thread as it lacks any that I've seen so far. Note to resilience-please concentrate on the war and stop crying to devs every time someone speaks the truth about you and your buddies
Maybe argoli should take a look at which side he fights for with his post on the link I left on the last page
Eb noob I'd like to request a change in the Kaw slang dictionaries. Rather than calling people eb noobs/eb fairies, can we just call them regs? It is less letters and has the same meaning.
Whats wrong with PureSpy builds ireggy? Im sure the purespies in Regulators would love to know :lol: :lol:
Hahaha! Preach it noobs!!! Preach it!!! Better start looking left and right. People are getting iReg'd. Have fun trolling. You noobs get bored, that link Zero posted still a good read.
People getting ireg'd? I'm not sure if he means people are calling help in 1v1, or that look left and right through every WDGAF clan to see all them ebs.
Lol zero did you really just say you dont need half of KaW to beat your enemies? That's probably because your enemy is whichever eb is on 2x plunder get back to smashin repeat button, I like you more when you don't try to pretend you are fighting.
Attn wdgaf: While your leaders are tucked away safely in their beds of spy def towers and ee wars, your members are getting naked one by one. Sometimes even two by two. That reminds me of a kids song I once sang. How does it go?
Hey, you ireg you and your clans have really small brains. Did you know that? It's just a fact, no offense. I mean, you probably don't even know what I'm talking about.