Hockey Nation war

Discussion in 'Wars' started by thefoxlife, Sep 28, 2012.

  1. Please point out the post where I lied, thank ya
  2. lie lie lie is all you do
  3. *Sigh*
    Well, what started the whole thing? I'm good at calming people down for a good nice convo (my friend gets in a lot of fights)
  4. Please point out where you farmed most of my clan till they left?
  5. Pizza, let's not do this on forums, and I won't be stopping, look at his attitude.
  6. Fox I never said that, please point out where I did?
  7. That's just how Fox gets. So, just answer the question. What started the damn thing?
  8. His three worded forum post, then I stop, he continues, I continue, he calls me names, I'm never stopping.
  9. Jamw, umm look at one if the first post you made saying anyone that was in my clan was farmed  nice try of a cover up though
  10. Everybody in your clan was farmed, I never said you didn't drop everyone nor did I say they were farmed out? Nice cover up though
  11. I highly dought that cause you couldn't even hit near half my clan. ( get your own sayings) 
  12. ... EVERYONE SHUT THE **** UP NOW *loads shotgun*
  13. It's called mocking, did you completely skip 1-10th english class? Also, the ones that weren't hit were dtw. So I'm sorry let's rephrase, all that could be hit were hit.
  14. You mock me but I got attitude  I mocked people in like 2nd grade
  15. "You mock me but I got attitude" what? And you were in 2nd grade eight years ago big guy. So not too long ago.
  16. Oh I get what you were saying, I said look at his attitude, not "he has attitude" IMO, there's a difference.
  17. That's a pretty long time you old kook
  18. Eight years is long for you? So you're saying an eight year old is old?
  19. This is the stupidest thread ever
  20. Yes, and it's stupid I'm arguing over it, my apologies for continuos bumps/immaturely arguing with this kid.