hoarfrost lands

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by lIlIllIIlll_madara_lIlllIIIlll, Jan 3, 2014.

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  1. ^ it just means an agreeable statement was said. Maybe in the first two pages it's spam :lol:
  2. You're close though.
    If you agree type "I agree," if you don't agree type "I don't agree."
    Isn't English fun?
    That's actually my thing along with sweg lel and swagamuffin ok I'm just trying to be cute now be quiet I'm peeing I like listening too it...
  4. Never saw you say sweg or swagamuffin befote
  5. [​IMG]
  6. Can we put this thread in best of ?
  7. Sorry peoples I feel a bit tipsy when I'm tired mehehe
  8. /locked and i will report the spammers on it

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