I agree w/A.Caesar, I do not agree w/Smitty Sleepyseed. I have been playing for a little over a year, and yes hlbc was poss in aprox a year but not for even close to avg player. I play alot! I was really pushing to be hlbc. Even though not close to lb players, one could gain a sense of accomplishment. What has disheartened me is seeing those at top already be hf land and lvl2 complete in a week or 2??? I had desired to war but put off till at least had lands. Made it to 4 away and feel as the bubble has burst. Seeing 12m attack. I now realize it is impossible to ever come close now. I for 1 would not start playing the game at the beginning as I did a year ago. As stated, how can 1 afford to war and even keep par w/those who don't. Not all that many of us can make $50b a day. Now I'm considering tearing towers down as the lost pop plunder also affects growth. I had envisioned being difficult to farm one day, Now I'm unsure what direction to go but I am going to look into some similar games
It does seem unachievable to a new player and plus I hard enough. I must say this compliant is a valid one.. Those who play for a years should know the hardship of playing this game. Maybe they will listen to you guys and give you better pay outs or better towers stats so you don't need to rely on allies as much. What do I know nothing but fair is fair. Enjoyment is a good thing right wen you play a game. Put a smile back on those that committed. Oh devs give them a chance at T6 put the prices down and better towers and better EB pay outs
I agree--the cost is outrageous for what you get. You get very little increase in stats. The new EB payouts are hardly worth the effort.
Agree. I've been playing well over 3 years. I've maybe spent $150 in the process. EVERYONE needs to realize that you will never be build complete, it's just a fact. You only need like 15 hl to start buying the cheaper lands in hf .. Now the gap is bigger then the Grand Canyon. Kaw is a 2 class community now. Lb ppl can drop few allies and be build complete, but that only lasts for a short time I've taken pride in my war abilities over the years but the equip is hard to beat. It takes to long for the drops. Then you can only buy 6 mith when you need all of it for ee. How we spend are gold should be our choice. Open up mith sales. Make it so you can buy a limited amount per day and be able to stock pile. Fix ally market. Stop resetting dead accounts those are where the stats are, not these half stat/double priced "active" allies that are impossible to find I support op thread to full extent. When T5 came out they lowered T4. Do the same to T5 now that T6 is out let the smalls catch up a lil
There is absolutely a need for a price drop. 150b for a L2 T6? Are you kidding me? The stat increase should be massive for that price
The volley and pot / bar drops can be a decent side income stream. It aint a cure all but it does numb the pain somewhat..