Hoarfrost lands and T6 upgrades. what are the devs thinking?

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by diZzY01, Aug 22, 2013.

  1. Fyi, hlbc in a year is possible, I'm on 11months and have more in building value than hlbc. If I had of done last 5 hl instead of Hf lands I'd be hlbc now. Little ally trading
  2. But it the secs didn't bring out updates everyone will be whining about them not coming out and dropping out of the game until the game just falls apart.
    Just saying :roll:
  3. I support this thread. ATA obviously only cares about its top 100 players and the frostywhorelands are just another example of this.
  4. Whorefrost ^
  5. Dymez supports this thread these dev just want money lol
  6. I havent read previous posts but I believe devs are deliberately making the lands and upgrades so expensive to bridge the gap between small new players and the overly stacked big players
  7. @ dizzy
    If we were making a lot of money all the time then yes in all reality you would finish the game really quick.
  8. The gap will always be there. To bridge said gap isn't possible, not if the lb players continue to play. They earn more, they generally buy more too. New players will still have to buy these lands to catch up.. by which time the top players will br 20+t in allies again.. try again.
  9. Ata made between 10-20 million dollars last year and they did not want to comment on the exact amount. ATA is bathing in money while giving us these shitty updates
  10. You really think this is it? There are four corners of the map for a reason. Look at each corner, they are very unique.

    Devs are going to add lands onto each, just watch. It may take a few years, but it will happen.
  11. It would be awesome I would hit the bl more
  12. This update has nothing to do with bridging the gap between new players and the leader board. That gap is insurmountable unless those top guns quit. It does however make BC an almost impossible task without spending buku $. This is a 9 game. Are we to expect a 9 year old to ever achieve build complete without spending his/her allowance? It's not very likely.

    The point here isn't to stop changes and growth within the game. It's simply to ask the devs to boost the amount of gold we make per hit. Perhaps not x2 but even x1.5 on a permanent basis makes a huge difference. It's a classic display of inflation. Prices go up but wage remains the same.

    Yes there are other ways to make gold in this game, and yes many people will being it from those other methods, but not everyone can utilize those methods. It's important to keep the cost/earnings ratio on par. If changing plunder across the board isn't an option than at least make the plunder boost per build enough to offset the price gap. 150b/build is a huge amount of gold, and that's before we've even seen what level 3 looks like.
  13. Some of us would rather the game keep upgrading so we don't get bored...
  14. its really not that bad. Even though level 2 should have cost 100 billion and level 3 should cost 200 billion. 150 is not out of line. making about 50 billion day It'll take 3 days for each level 2
  15. I LIKE THIS POST BUT ONE THING IS NOT BEING SAID 5 years ago we did not have EBS there was war and only war where did war go now we battle EBS. Where is the fun of mostly a EB game I bet people in this game have no idea of grow with just war. So with that said lower prices and lets war again stop endless EBS. Let noobs have EBS to grow until a required stat then make them war to grow
  16. I've never bought an in app purchase. I've been trying to play the game 'clean' for 3 years. Every time I get close to reaching 'build complete' they expand it somehow. Two real accounts on real devices, no botting.

    It is mind numbing. I don't quit because of how much I've already put into it in terms of time. The prices are astronomical versus the pitiful boost in gold for each upgrade. It makes the game less fun as time goes on.

    I've been an oaf and an osf and have given back to the community in that way.
  17. Full Support: Active since 12/23/09....never once seen devs give a crap about its players...even the 2x EB are just attempts to get people to splurge on a xstal pack...T5 is really the worst of it though. Get that damn building up to T3 for 350k plunder inc?! I'm really just here for my friends at this point...but yeah, man...full support.
  18. Bump for more opinions