Hoarfrost lands and T6 upgrades. what are the devs thinking?

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by diZzY01, Aug 22, 2013.

  1. I agree that the price for land
  2. I think the lands are too expensive
  3. And another thing, its your choice to spend money to grow faster. If not quit complaining and grow like most people, work for it. They originally made the game to challenge each other.
  4. Lol it's not all about growing! When you reach bc there's still goals...not for eb noobs...but for the real players - raise funds, drink beer(virtual) with clan mates, have a laugh, pot up and go osw and enjoy pvp! I think devs underestimate or just don't give a rats ass about the group of pvping players
  5. I put in the hours It seems every time I reach build complete within a week the devs bring out extortionate upgrades. Ho hum another year's worth of work.
  6. But it's just starting to get so boring now. Really doesn't bother me if I log in or not. That's not the way to keep long term players
  7. I agree with you 100% there should be some way of getting gold faster! if it's a faster regen time, double gold, or a new way to earn health crystals faster, they NEED something before they have a riot on their hands. I've had plenty of friends quit because it takes way to long to upgrade and buy stuff.
  8. I dont think the devs should lower the land prices but just make them a little more plauzible for regular players who dont want the task of a leaderboard player to spend there real life money on the game. They just need to make PvP pay more and keep EBs 2x to make everyone happy
  9. Brilliantly written, friend!

    I also would love to see the day that I become build complete.

    :arrow: Support! :mrgreen:
  10. Ultimately the goal shouldn't be to actually reduce the prices if anything. That makes no real sense. The goal instead should be to drastically increase the gold we make through our usual KaW habits, be that epic battle or PvP.

    For players such as myself who do play against other human players, we need to be able to stay competitive. Otherwise we simply hammer on players our own size endlessly and the leader board players remain unchecked and unchallenged.

    As I've said before, I don't personally enjoy epic battles, but I do see the need for them. I just feel the devs need to consider either half hour regen times or double pay across the board. Even on warbeast
  11. Support Op, when I was hlbc felt I'd achieved, then T5 started to convert , but got fed up of EBs so joined a war clan , osw changed build , now bk to EBs helping friends grow clan , the gap now with T6 is massive and that's within 6 months
    I understand the card users need their fixes , to buy and grow , plus devs need income , but I think now the lower to middle EBs need to be double gold permantly , to give the guys a chance to grow.
    Cause it's a long long way to build complete 
  12. Well written. My thoughts match yours, op
  13. I'm not buying t2 extortion lol ally trading while there hot n dropped fresh  feel free to hire mine don't bite lol happy kawings
  14. No support, sorry; i can understand where you are coming from but i do not agree.

    If it were easy there would be no point playing, yes the devs may be taking the mick a bit but i like the fact that you have to save up alot. If you don't like it then buy some more allies for BFA. People are sick of the same threads and posts being posted about "overpriced" t6 L2.

    If the devs think it is unfair then they will change it, making a thread about it won't change anything but get more people angry. If you are that passionate and against it then write an email to them...
  15. Funny that a person from 4 seasons would respond in that fashion. I don't recall 4 seasons ever partaking in osw. Maybe I should change that for you so you can see what it is to have a hard time growing? Don't preach to me about ease of growth. I'm 2 1/2 years into KaW and was T4 hlbc for 3 days before T5 was released. I remember when epic battles didn't even exist. The same epic battles that have grown so many accounts without ever having known hard growth
  16. I agree with dizzy. I have been playing this game for about 4 years. I took a 6 month brake after the EBs came out. I didnt spend any cash on this game until recently. I like osw and I liked the old system wars. But now I need to buy crystals so I can upgrade enough fight in a EE. I work alot and love this game but just simply hitting other players and EBs Dosent pay enuff to upgrade in a reasonable time frame
  17. Mad support for this post, ata is becoming too greedy. I've been playing for over two years as well, seeing the changes and the turmoil of each new update. However they are now going too far. They are making this game impossible to accomplish without spending loads of money. Want to EE? Ok buy crystals. They are slowly killing their own game whether they like it or not. With each update more ppl quit. With each new update they make the finish line impossible for new players to ever achieve BC.

    Changing the original terms of use over and over. I have not agreed to any of the changes therefore I kept a copy of the TOU that I did agree upon when downloading this ap. I've heard word that OSW will be a breach in the TOU..... What the hell is this game good for besides osw. Original players don't play the game for ebs. Look at the LB, they all fight because this is a war game. I know I went a little off topic but I felt the need to vent

    Kaw community if you have read this post and ever want to achieve the goal we all play for (Build Complete) then post your support on this thread and speak your voice. Let them know that we will stand here.

  18. Wow.…
    The point of the game is to continue to expand and enjoy the fun of epic battles and war, I see no issue with the new lands and ebs so what? If you simply dont like it than dont play it?
  19. Stating my opinion is all respect your arguement though OP