Hit Valiant vs Apocalypse

Discussion in 'Wars' started by Oxyr, May 14, 2014.

  1. Hard luck apocashanks
    You just ain't valiant enough
    Awesome war though
    Happy birthday HiT
  2. Nice guys. Hope much fun was had by all 
  3. A great way to celebrate a great clan's anniversary . Special ty to all the peeps from other apoc clans, that helped to make it so special. In the end there was no winner or loser, we all won cos we had a blast . Tip for anyone trying one of these system wars , don't bother hitting yoshi, blaze, moo , jm, DL , crystal,  wait ... The entire apocalypse roster , cos they whack back too hard 
    Congrats rol on no1 plunder at valiant, and as jack promised , you will be ganns guest of honour 
  4. Well played valiant, well played. thx to HiT and family for making this to a fun event. Much love to u all. Gratz rol on #1 spot. Wont be that easy next time XD

    Must be the hottest family in KAW
  5. Hit me please, HiT family. Farm me.
  6. Valiant rocked this time! i can say many many things about my Hit Family, but the words do not express what u fell when u are in Hit Family! HAPPY BIRRHDAY HiT, and with this ocasion i want to thank to person who bringed me in HiT, STOSRIDER, special thanks, and for our leader ROLAND who is the best! thanks for all HiT members , for their fight ! im proud of beeing HiT member, that is the beauty of kawing! apoc fighted well, had many inc but most fails(maybe where scared), still i want to thanks coob, for the plunder he gave it to me! CRYSTALEE-had 3 inc from her, fails !RAMPANT JACK-u are one big ass killer!
  7. Over use of emoji... Too many try hards these days :/
  8. ahh, almost forgot about ACE! u are a big boy , but still u sleeped too much , 22th plunder! loool ! not wanted to waste my spies on your towers!
  9. AVMMF if you cant keep on subject, and have nothing constructive to say on the topic, then leave the thread and stop trolling - thank you
  10. Happy birthday HiT. You're a bad clan and family and I have negative respect for your sorry bums.
    CA me.
    I was on topic :) Happy?
  11. 2 years old, I guess thus means it's time for the terrible 2s to start up. Ganny already kicks and screams when he doesn't get his way so I think were right on track 

    Here is to continuing to grow and learn together , and maybe we won't be to terrible this year 

    pS : Stos I echo your sentiments, well said bro , Rol your the best owner in KaW, thanks for the fun and letting us play rough with each other.
  12. How cute. Some attention seeking kid with a self esteem problem is giving us a birthday present:) What a good day.
  13. Happy 2nd Birthday HiT Squad! 1 of the toughest, most respected bunch of gd friends Iv ever known. Here's to another 2yrs of butt-whooping, keep up the good work all!
  14. Thanks, I am pretty cute Huh :)
  15. Wwwwww trolling dude  we hv ur surname alrdy  ASS  just trying to figure out if ur first name is  candy , bad , or dumb 
  16. Mad respect to Hit Valiant! And Happy Bday HiT

  17. You suggested I'm a bad ass.... Yes :)
  18. As the story goes, Crystalee took her aggression out on little old me. I had to visit the doctor afterwards but luckily they said the rash should clear up in 7-10 days! I guess that it was all worth it in claiming victory over Apoc.. Anyways Great War Framily it couldn't have been any more fun 

    KotFE Lord
  19. Wwwww I am thinking dirty bruised ass. Just saying.  Thanks for the trolling present!
  20. Happy Birthday All! Rol my money is on Crystalee! :p