Hit range is ridiculous.

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by Rising_Star, Apr 11, 2015.

  1. My alt with stats like 60k/80k/60k/60k got hit today by a player with over 1million attack and 800k defence. I can't remember spy stats exactly
  2. Support for this change. When stats and builds change and increase it only makes sense for the ranges to adapt as well.

  3. I'm with narcissist on this.

    What on earth is a sack of D's? If it is what i think it is. Where do you source such a thing and who gave you the idea?
  4. It's obvious he meant Doritos. :roll:
  5. If hit ranges are that way off why would any small account take the PVP route in events? That range is just horrendous 
  6. You are a complete asswipe and not too smart. Please tell me how being hit by someone that is 10 times your size is fair?

    And not everyone can afford endless xtals and seals, leave my thread TR1 wannabe.
  7. the hit range is way too excessive, I remember one of the past pvp events getting hit by players more than double my cs. that's more than 100% difference, theres no justification for it being any more than 25%.
  8. I agree, I have people with 45-55 mil CS able to hit me at 22 mil CS, not in system. This is unfair as there is virtually no way to beat them. At least tighten it to a 10 mil CS range after 25 highlands
  9. The developers have changed the hit range inadvertently lol if you can't hit a player before the release of the abyss then you upgrade and the other player doesn't and you can suddenly -the hit range has changed. To be honest the hot range has changed often with every release and ee - they often changed with ee to try and increase match up. If the devs claim it hasn't changed they don't understand there own programming which is laughable - it was like saying there was no bfa cap in the old days  the players in osw have proved it has changed - it is probably a fallout of when they altered the mechs so big players just didn't win every att and cs became more important than bfa and pots in order.
  10. Your welcome to come at me with your main. I don't care if you're main is even on your lb and 20x my size. Lil girls like you talk trash to bigger folks an then cry HELP HELP an then want restrictions put in to stop people hitting you on a war game.
    If you'd like I got an alt your exact size you can go heads up with for the rest of the year or longer. And I won't even hit you with this alt at all either. If your down leave a link on my wall Rising_Star.


  11. A sack of D's? You strange young man. How is that even an insult? The only person you insulted there is yourself. We understand it's a war game, and you should grow a pair and hit back, but, these hit brackets are ridiculous, right? I mean, in the last twin path event, I did PvP and I got farmed by this kid 6x my size. He had 17m attack and at the time I had 3m defence stats (about half of my defence stats were static). That ruined the event for me as we were in the same time zone and he'd pin me throughout the day and I couldn't hit back even if I tried as he had 17m defence!! And I'm also pretty sure that he had hidden towers with about 9m static defense. No chance for me.

    So. Again, from half the KaW community, You Sir are an ass. -_-

  12. Falcon, it must feel good to waste money on that crap build of yours.
  13. Im like 9 millcs i got hit by a 20 millcs attack today he had enough stats in his spies to take me out much less his attack i dont stand a chance its very unfair
  14. When I was less than 2mcs I was farmed by a player that I couldn't hit successfully. This was 2 years ago. That player xtalled on me like crazy lost all my gold.
    I waited 2 years till I completed build an smashed the dog crap out of that person. Yes I know this is a Lil crazy waiting 2yrs to grow and attack another player on a game. Just like in real life I'm not all there. ;)
    I went an learned how to OSW with this build against the biggest alliances. Now I'm friends with all of them.
    It's a game enjoy it or do something about it an get your revenge.
    But crying that your booty hurt about another player just entertains us in so many ways. Just ask OSW clans how amusing you folks are crying on forums and walls. :)

  15. :lol:
  16. Also the spell should go to the person they keep pinning on this same guy misses a scout and fails just to ko himself cus hes scared to lose the spell fails should count
  17. Ted is a beast. He is eternal. He can hit who he wants. Miss u TED 
  18. When I did my first pvp event during the stone emperors I'd be hit by players whose static spy def was greater than my whole CS not to mention there spy Atk stats
  19. My issue with the hit range isnt the multiplier at this point.

    If you are 100k cs and being hit by a 1m cs, equip can make the difference. 10x ratio.

    22m cs being hit by 44m cs. Equip cant make the difference. 2x ratio.

    the hit box needs to be tightened in higher stat ranges. this is why so many drop builds exist now. because equip can make the difference.
  20. 1. We know you're not.

    2. :lol:

    3. Should I ask your clan about AFF?

    4. Sadly, we already know your name.