History of the Osiris vs Ya_Judgment_fi Osw (Part I)

Discussion in 'Wars' started by The_Philosopher, Nov 20, 2012.

  1. Re: History of the Osiris vs Yafi/Judgement Osw (Part I)

    I once went to a clan to help it with war. We were losing that war. Suddenly osiris and resilience started to join on our side. We kicked major ass and won that war.
  2. Re: History of the Osiris vs Yafi/Judgement Osw (Part I)

    To hunter,

    See yafi clan and its dead clan? LOL!! Our clan page already shown the strips n damage done.. Pls ask c4m4 how it feels to lose 7 trillions.. Why did u guys keep lying to urself? Bcoz u cant stop us? LOL!!

    So my question is wad happen to osiris then? Why are u guys out of LB? Oops! Hahahah!!
    Like appleseed says, we r more closer than u guys think or ever imagined.. That the reason why yafi and judgement merge.. Its makes planning of strips easier and better coordination to make u dry fast.. Lol!!

    So ur baseless facts n lies doesnt tally with ur story lol!! Pls next time think before u post lol!!
  3. Re: History of the Osiris vs Yafi/Judgement Osw (Part I)

    Fastonetodie, try reading what i said jackwagon. One of your six old clans  (you tough guys) the most recent was "You Ask For It" and....by checking EB history there...the truth is known beyond Yafi Propaganda and Lies.
  4. Re: History of the Osiris vs Yafi/Judgement Osw (Part I)

    @Os-Yafi Hunter: you are a shame for most of OSIRIANS and a benediction for us! The more u post the best it is for us.
  5. Re: History of the Osiris vs Yafi/Judgement Osw (Part I)

    Yes, Cambji, you are welcome!  The 3rd grade psych-warfare and reverse psychology of Yafi dont work on me! Im too stupid!  nothing but a good old-fashioned whooping gets through to me! So...you guys will never beat me...
  6. Re: History of the Osiris vs Yafi/Judgement Osw (Part I)

    Lol nice try Cam, I'd get your own muppet show in order first mate before trying to deflect on anyone else's 
  7. Re: History of the Osiris vs Yafi/Judgement Osw (Part I)

    I know what's going on here.
    I hear iG arent happy with osiris' effectiveness in this war. So you clowns are on here trying to get attention 
    Nice try guys
  8. Re: History of the Osiris vs Yafi/Judgement Osw (Part I)

    LMAO, another 3rd-grade attempt at psych warfare....you have come better than that, bud...
  9. Re: History of the Osiris vs Yafi/Judgement Osw (Part I)

    Lol I'm back if Yafi can strip me empty I salute 
  10. Re: History of the Osiris vs Yafi/Judgement Osw (Part I)

    JB and YAfi hunter! The Laurel and Hardy of Kaw forums! U both rock keep on the good work!
  11. Re: History of the Osiris vs Yafi/Judgement Osw (Part I)

  12. Re: History of the Osiris vs Yafi/Judgement Osw (Part I)

    A bump for all those ppl asking me where part one is.
  13. Re: History of the Osiris vs Yafi/Judgement Osw (Part I)

    Bumped on request.
  14. NOte: This thread has been renamed as requested by _Appleseed_
  15. Isnt it with 2 _
  16. Lol Deni. Gimme a break already. I hope yafi will forgive me on that. 
  17. Many of you have read this forum thread about the history of Osiris and the Yafi war. It is an excellent read and fairly accurate. However, they left out an important part:

    The Story Behind The Story:
    There was indeed an imbalance of power in KAW, strongly favoring Osiris and certain other clans. The devs were losing customers and new players in KAW were disheartened by the imbalance and impossibility of ever rising to the strength of the PWar era monsters that controlled their territories. What could they do? These were paying customers that had spent thousands on the game. But if they didnt do something soon, their app would lose it's momentum of growth and revenues as new players stopped joining just to become cannon fodder. ATA discussed this problem with their investor group, YCombinator. An Ambassador Investor at YCombinator, suggested, as a solution, teaming ATA with a small software consulting firm (also funded by YCombinator) he co-founded that specialized in Android and iPhone App Development Services. This company was perfect match since they were small and their independent employee group is each in different areas of the world. This companies name? YAFI, You Asked For It. (www.yafiyouaskedforit.com)
    This small group was brought in as the equalizer to level the playing field in KAW. They were given access to accounts that had been taken for violations of the TOU, dev supplied funds and crystals and went out to use the highly chaotic and emotional turmoil in the KAWmunity to set things right. This small group was easily able to slide into the emotional turmoil using those accounts and guide a clan into existence. By stripping out big players, disrupting big clans, and cowing the LB players that used to hold sway, they slowly made progress to leveling the playing field in KAW. Some mergers were made and other members joined and left, just like any clan, but the core YAFI employees remained. (After all, its a part of their job). Of course, the other players were, and many still are, completely oblivious to this group and their association with ATA. By using dev supplied financial resources and crystals, plus a dev supplied knowledge of build and strip mechanics and dev supplied knowledge of player online status, they were an unstoppable force. After all, every clan in KAW can't hold them down if all they need is to do is xstal at will and act for a strip or EB, or other action.
    Nobody is saying, or has ever said, that all of YAFI is part of this group. Nobody is saying that anyone in that group knows about this, other than the ones to which it refers. The original group was very successful at what they were originally intended to be. Like any company with a contract for services, over time they have found other ways to make themselves useful to ATA. They generate a war propaganda that overlays the EB-driven, profitable, essence of the game. They generate funds by stripping out players that are known nobility buyers in order to get them to rejuvenate their purchasing. They force big clans to stagnate their members growth in long wars so that the members will subsidize the loss of growth with xstal and nob purchases. Also, in perpetuating these long wars, they deplete the banks of large clans (the equalizer portion) and force the clans to subsidize with nobs for strip funds (the income generation portion). Yes, their way of warring is a methodology that is completely unique and Yafian. And this is why.
    There is tons of in-game history here, but none of it reflects the out of game history that has massively impacted KAW. Not all strips were done from YAFI (the company, not the clan). Of course, Judgement brought their Chile funds. but those funds are long since depleted. They are known to move around, and they have many accounts. Strips are announced in CA. Banks are not divulged and neither are sources.
    Now you can see all the yafians chime in on this (if it isn't deleted already), but the bottom line is that not a single one has been banned for verified violations of the TOU warranting bans despite screen shots and hundreds od emails to support. Yafi members have made death threats, openly posted Osiris members real names and addresses(in a threatening manner to show they knew), claimed to be funded by ATA in screen shots (someone let the secret out), claimed TO BE ATA (recently), all screen shotted and submitted with no results. The devs are quick to ban, silence and tear down builds on those fighting Yafi. And mysteriously, Yafi knows within minutes about a ban, block, or silence and is ready to act.
  18. You actually found a website with YAFI :lol: :lol:
    Even I didn't know it. I'm honestly impressed, serious :lol:

    Nice story too, but it would have been an easier read if there were more proper paragraphing. In some other forums, you might have gotten a reply of "WALL OF TEXT"
    My two cents ;) But kudos to your innovation and imagination, and I sincerely mean it as a compliment. :)

    You guys should probably be more active in war though, and not run out to do EBs. It really seems like only iG and family are warring for you guys. Only a selected few from Osiris and AAH are still hitting. :(
    I heard we have so much spare spies that 1ate7 just tore down another 3 attack buildings to replace with 3 spy def towers (420B lost?). Yes, he is in our CA. :eek:
  19. Update: A ceasefire is in place between Osiris and Yafi. Lets hope this one lasts longer than the last one. Lol