I am fairly sure the League of Nations is one of the greatest failures of this world besides Justin Bieber. So I tend to leave them out of most discussions Back to the bomb, in our APUSH class we discussed the evidence provided showing Eisenhower fully believed that Japan was ready to surrender shortly before the first Bomb dropped. U.S intelligence found that Japan's military was already collapsing. It does not matter if this intelligence was true or not, but its in one of Eisenhower's letters. It brings us to question why the bombs were dropped if the USA knew/thought Japan was collapsing? To intimidate the Soviet Union. Beginning of Cold War 1
Well i read the whole some will say they deserved it but you know u kinda did the pearl harbor thing...so yea i think you pretty well deserved it. In closing
I enjoyed reading this thread being mostly frog trying to make the japs victims in a terrible war. Im not saying we were innocent hell no but you werent forced to go to war. U werent forced to litterally dive bomb planes on American ships. U got what u deserved
Germany went to war because the allies put such heavy restrictions on them they had no choice but put their faith in adolf to restore the country and the easiest way for that to happen would be war.
The fact that more people died in other events never negates an event where less died. The "got what you deserved" argument isn't a valid justification. Eye for an eye isn't a good world policy.
It was not. "They deserved it" isn't a good reason to kill a hundred thousand. There were other reasons for dropping the bomb, much more valid reasons. But "they hurt me so I'll hurt them worse" sounds like a young child's choice. They bombed my military base, so I'll nuke their city.
desperate times call for desperate measures. not saying what they did was justified, but it was explainable to say the least.
Explainable, yes. Revenge is easily explained. Not necessarily right. I'm not even arguing against the bombs. I'm arguing about that "eye for an eye" justification. It's not the kind of thought I'd like for any nation's foreign policy to be dictated by. Especially not a nation with more nukes.
The aforementioned quick end to the war. The Japanese surrendered quickly after the bombs. Without dropping them, a large scale invasion would have been needed, right? That'd cost many lives as well, maybe more, and been much longer and drawn out.
@Crow ...The post that mentioned Nanking and Manilla weren't in reference to Pear Harbor or any other incident or whether they "deserved it" (I believe Fin made that claim) The posts I made were in contention of Frogs quote that's at the beginning of this post.
I believe the Japanese deserved what they received in return for what they did. We were attempting to stay out of the war other then supplying allied forces. Admiral Isoroku Yamamoto said " I fear all we have done is to awaken a sleeping giant and fill him with a terrible resolve.". He literally knew what he got himself into when he attacked Pearl Harbor . He foresaw what was in store for him as he had attacked a country who would bring a force unknown by any others to an enemy unprepared for the war to come. The bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki was not only a deadly scientific success but also a threat saying don't mess with us. You now know what we're capable of. On September 2nd 1945 they surrendered to the allied forces aboard the USS Missouri. Without this the war would have dragged on killing millions more so is it better to have lost 350,000 or so or millions of people... 350,000 exactly.
Frog if you have 3 nipples do not reply to my post. Genetic deformities were true. Now I can definitely agree with 3 nipples and 3 boobs on a chick. But 3 nipples on a frog is uncalled for.