hiroshima anniversary

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by -WinterKnight-, Aug 6, 2015.

  1. @Agrippina

    Yea.. Yea. Horrible things are really a trait of the human race. Any nation who's been a substantial war power over the course of history has done some awful things. 'Murica included.

  2. Sorry. I don't agree with bombing pearl habor, but only Americans believe it was a surprise attack. That's what your government told you. Ask yourself, why was that huge fleet in Pearl Harbor in the first place? Americans also trained Chinese rebels and placed an oil embargo on Japan. They had full intention on going to war. Pearl Harbor just played well in the press.
  3. There was great difference between the German and Japanese leaderships during WW2 the supreme Japanese leader wasn't as paranoid or megalomaniacal as the Austrian corporal.
    That said there were aspects of the Japanese war efforts such as Nanking, Bataan, the comfort women that were just as horrific as anything seen in Europe.
  4. Americans look at the war as something that started in 1939. Japanese look at the war as part of an American invasion that started in 1858 with the arrival Commodore Perry, who forced Japan at gun point to open their ports.

    Japan had no intention of attacking America until commodore Perry came around.
  5. Frog it was a suprise attack more of a surprise than expected by the Japanese after failings to deliver the declaration of war in Washington.
    Nor was the pearl Harbour attack the action that day the Philippines and south east Asia all saw Japanese actions to support their war goals.

    The us Pacific fleet was based in Pearl because it was the most logical place to station a fleet to protect the us pacific interests which included the Philippines at the time.
  6. But the subsequent actions such as the Sino Russian war and the Japanese actions in WW1 would show that the Japanese had long since given up the isolationist stance from previous years.
  7. Here's a history lesson:

    To avoid being colonized Japan closed it country to all foreign ships for 300 years. This was called the "sakoku" closed country policy. Due to sakoku, Japan enjoyed 300 years of peace, but also made almost no technological advancements in that time either.

    Wanting colonies, the American government sent Commodore Perry to Japan to force Japan to trade with them.
    Japan at the time had no ability to counteract American (also French, British, and Russian) military might. They had to go along with it, but we're resentful and quick studies of foreign ways.

    Then in 1933 there was a military coup where the Japanese PM was assassinated. However these military leaders were totally ignorant of the ways of the world, and decided to colonize Korea and Manchuria just like the Brits, French and others did before them.

    This thus ticked off the Eurpoeans and Americans who cut off oil supplies and started helping Japanese enemies. Presto! You got a Pacific war.
  8. @winter

    You got your dates mixed up. Sino-Russian war was well after Commodore Perry.
  9. You also got to remember attitudes at the time. We live in a very tolerant world with e little racism now. A hundred years ago, however, most Caucasians didn't even consider Orientals to be human, let alone equals. At the League of Nations at the beginning of the 20Th century the Japanese twice asked for a proclamation to be made that all races were to be considered equal before God. This proclamation was defeated by European members. And people wonder why Japan left the League of Nations?
  10. Frog the Chinese weren't a Japanese enemy in the 1930's till the manchurian incident. China was hardly a coherent country in 1920-30's
  11. Hence my use of the word subsequent meaning happening afterwards
  12. These things, while horrific, have unfortunately been blown out of proportion largely due to political agendas. Although Japan has given formal apologies for these events, Korean and Chinese governments continue to bring up and embellish these incidents.
    Why? Because blaming the Japanese is a convenient way to make your citizens forget your own incompetent governance.
  13. As you may know there is a territory dispute between Korea and Japan over a set of rocks jutting out of the Sea of Japan. What you might not know is that Japan has offered to settle this in international court but Korea has refused.

    Why refuse? Because if the problem gets settled, Korean politicians wouldn't be able to complain about Japan so much. Best to keep stoking the fire to keep your citizens ignorant of the true problems.

  14. Then I fail to see how this has any relation to what I'm talking about.
  15. Frog japan also has never signed a peace accord with Russia since ww2 over territory both claim.

    But maybe it's better to focus on the more positive things that have happened since those days. America and Japan have since the 1950's close allies.
    The reconstruction of Japan was incredible something to be proud of and while there are still issues and conflicts with the USA and others they are resolved for the most part with diplomacy.
  16. Don't get me wrong. The wartime Japanese government was run by huge idiots who had no idea how the world worked at that time. They were so stupid that even that they knew they were going to lose the war, they kept going at it anyway. They deserved to be hanged.
  17. War is hell.

    The US bombed Hiroshima because it was tactically the option that would prevent more deaths, both American and Japanese.
    If we had invaded one if their beaches, they would have kept fighting, down to the last man, because the Japanese don't surrender easily.

    But when we dropped the bomb on them, I believe that they surrendered because there was something terrible enough out there to do that, and nobody wanted it to see the light of day again.

    And it was a bluff. Those were the only two bombs we had.

    Not saying that anybody deserved any of what happened during the war, neither Hiroshima, nor Pearl Harbor, but it is likely that there would have been many more deaths if we had invaded them.
  18. I heard there is genetic mutations and cancerous hereditary cells from the bombs that's going through their lineage. Frog do you have 3 nipples?

  19. Uh oh SHOTS FIRED. But I honestly would like to say what I think but I am choosing to keep my opinions to myself this time cause they would get me in trouble. But just like how the Japanese Admiral said right before he attacked Pearl Harbour was "I believe we have just woken a sleeping giant"
  20. Tell that to the victims of Nanking ie: intl mil. tribunal estimates 200k killed, Chinese gvnt claims 300k, not to mention all the....

    ...just saying.