Discussion in 'Wars' started by Noobicus_Maximus, Jul 11, 2013.

  1. But anyway time to wrap this thread up, getting too many people for the contracts we have, Ty all, will re open recruitment if more contracts come in
  2. it's funny how you went HLBC to a shrimp do you even lift
  3. Devestation I'm still waiting on that alt army you guys said you were gonna bring down on me....yawn..... Ill be off line for couple hours so log into them and do your worst, I look forward to all the fails in my news :)
  4. was after your clan members first but they soon ran for the hills (que: oh oh it was a tactic). One strip and your clan drops to 3 members. And all because you decided to start farming our sub members. Great start 
  5. *failed strip
  6. Lol read my thread noob, the three that are here are the original three that I started with, this was never meant to be operated out of clan, I created this just as a meeting spot, so ya they left, as they were intended to, these guys are people that help with contracts not clan perms, thus the term merc
  7. Funny when I was BC I farmed the crap out of apple girl when she was at devestation and you candy asses didn't do anything, wouldn't even say anything lolol..big bad dudes now though right?
  8. not talking about the strip on u blood.
  9. Was gonna say, cause I caught that pretty fast lol
  10. Lmao sure bro. Keep talking tough. Put ur build up again then an let's play ball. Applegirl never said anything to any of us.

    Like I said, put ur build up an stop acting like a ponce.
  11. I bet op's owner was pissed
  12. 1vs1 you and I... No doubt you'll reject, youre one of those people who like to bully the weak to make yourself feel good in a game because in real life you're just stuck in your moms basement all day. 
  13. At least you guys have something in common. So there is a chance at friendship.... :p
  14. Chill with the cry faces already si, good lord you don't need em in every post. You didn't do anything when I farmed your member for days when I was BC, so why even play big man now ? And the hilarious part is your doing all this whining bc I farmed your sub clan, well good job slick ill never stop farming them now lolol
  15. Lets face it si your a coward and a phony, your on my wall saying you got 10 alts your gonna hit me with and I havnt had one inc....your a liar, a blow hard, a talker, nothing more..you did nothing when I was BC and jacked your member up and you'll do noting now.....except talk and post cry faces
  16. I just stripped dcitrone in your sub clan btw si, on to the next member :)
  17. 1 mil cs and below only? Did I read that correctly? And you say that you were once HLBC? 

    Did the bad men hurt you??
  18. @ Codeine i'm still hlbc noob, all that means is all lands unlocked which anyone can see by viewing my achievements, I think your referring to BC which yes I once was
  19. HLBC = Highland Build Complete