You didn't think this through. Me almost a 37 lands GH can hit you.... so imagine if I had all my equip? Max enchant like you? You wouldn't stand a chance.
And actually sx unless you had my funds you wouldn't stand a chance bc I wouldn't trade hits, I'd just strip you over and over ...
Do players under 1m cs even have a trillion in allies? Lol this thread reminds me of night at the museum, with those little ppl warring each night lol Today this game just showed me another layer lol what ever floats ur boat I guess lol good luck being bad ass mini's noob hunters :b
This is just how I enjoy the game, I can't grind ebs all day, those days are over, so why waste all my resources fighting giants when I can strip an entire clan at this size and not put much of a dent In them...ya stripping BCs and LB is fun if your willing to throw tons of RL money into nobs and buying banks but I think ill just enjoy the game like this
Lol I feel you, I use to create alts to terrorise bullies, I had a mini turtle hammered a noob bullie clan lol the good old days! Love your work!
One word for you all... Cowards! Put your build back up and I will go 1vs1 with you. Picking on nubs to fuel your ego... What a loser
Why you running you weaklings don't ever try that sht again because you will get punished.Downgrade start from square one because once you get grow to my height again I will knock Yo blocks off. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha
He ran downgraded to avoid a whooping a gun your nothing but a toy gun hold that. Get Devastated Son sit down be quiet forever don't smack if you can't back it up. ~Get This man some ice clear him because you can't stop my fire !
Ran from who and downgraded? I wasn't even at war with anyone when I did this, is all of devestation filled with dumb ass noobs? Lol funny how brave everyone gets when you lose your stats