Highest plunder ever?

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by -IllIIIZombifiedUnicornIllIlI-, Nov 22, 2013.

  1. 120 mil forme
  2. i make 102 mil a hit with my lvl 2 ee
  3. 149m FH on HTE with L4EE.

    OP has returned to game after an extended haiatus. The above line is likely jibberish to him.
  4. 138 mil FH on HTE no EE, no towers.
  5. It's even jibberish to me...
  6. 149mil for his first hit with level 4 ee.
  7. To OP:

    FH is first hit

    H:TE is the new epic battle Haunting: The Escape. This epic battle is nearly identical to regular haunting except the main bar clears in batches of 50% instead of 75% then 25%. There is a second attack bar in the first phase and to run the epic battle it requires an item to be purchased with 59 nobility points. This epic battle pays out 3 times a normal haunt.

    EE is Estocs Edge. This is a buff that is given out if you win a developer sponsered war. It comes in 5 levels and it gives a bonus to plunder and epic battle drops. 25/35/42/47/50% are the amounts the levels increase drops by. (Dont quote me on those numbers. They could be wrong)
  8. I made 203m with level 5 EE on the limited time 4x haunt.
  9. So far I'm winning with 230 on HTE
  10. With the 50% more gold HTE I made 120mil
  11. With the 50% bonus EE that one day, I was making 240m easy per hit; would've been far more without my towers, maybe possible to hit 270m ish
  12. I have 5mbps on 4g LTE
  13. I believe xWarRocketAJAXx was making 300m but my memory is terrible to dont whine if I'm wrong. Anyway it was 280-300m.
  14. On the 4x haunts^^
  15. highest plunder was today ... attack build tears because they still have gh envy
  16. [​IMG]

    This is the highest plunder
  17. I got that in a farm 0.o
    I got double that when I'm hitting 3x
    Just how small are you?
  18. Prettty small atm